ch.1 ep.5 "study"

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( emilio's pov)

I was sitting with dino and fransis in the meeting room. I was skribbling in my note book just as Rudy walked in and sat next to fransis. " watcha doin guys?" He asked cheerfuly looking at us. " writing" I say still skribbling in my notebook. "Playing my DSI" said dino looking at Rudy. Francis just snored. Just then Carmelo and Tobias wakes in together.

( carmelo's pov)

I waled into the meeting room with tobias next to me. And he sat next to me we began to pull out homework. It was silent. I didn't do shit. Dino began to get frustrared with a problem that Emilio couldn't explain. Tobias got up with a pencils in hand. He sat next to dino and began to explain how to do the problem. Eventually for dino to get it wrong. Tobias took his paper and earased the answer. He grabed dinos hand and showed him how to do it while holding his hand that had the pencil. Dino jad a light tint of red across his cheeks. I huffed and slumped in my chair. After tobias was fone explaining he sat back down next to me. " you didn't do anything Carmelo." He said. " Yeah I dont want to" I say shrugging. He passes me his completed homework for me to copy off of it. So I gladly do so. After we all finished we decided to play truth or dare. " Rudy t or d?" Said Emilio. " hmmmm t" he said . " is it true tobias looks better with his hair in a ponytail?" Emilio said with a lenny face. "Duh." I saw tobias look down and after awhile he took down his hair and tied it into a ponytail. I sared at him and soon Rudy said " Carmelo t or d?" It caught me by surprise but I said dare. Rudy gave me a mischevious look and said " I dare you to kiss Tobias" I looked at him and glared. Tobias began to turn red. " a dare is a dare" said fransis. "FINEEEE" I said looking at tobias.
I placed my hand on his cheek and leaned into his face. His cheeks were soft. I kissed him and after a while
I felt him kiss back. Tobias broke the kiss and looked away. " aha.." I said looking away too. I saw Rudy fangirl about the situation. In the corner of my eye I saw tobias get up and leave the room. The door clicked behind him as he left. I got up and said " I need to uh... Change for S-SOCKER yeah socker..." I ran out the door without letting them say a word.
I went into the locker room and saw tobias yank a bloody knife from his stomach... "W-what are " he looked at me and clenched the knjfe in his hand and made a run for the door. I followed him and saw him run into the woods. I followed but took a diffrent part so he wouldn't see me.
He made his way neer a cliff and triped.         He fell off the cliff...

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