Chapter 2

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          At the end of the school day, Jane was at her locker getting her bookbag ready. She was already dreading to go to detention, she had told her aunt that she received a detention for being late to class and that her friends will pick her little sister up from her house to which she agreed on. Normally when Jane would come pick up Seoyeon, she would stay a little bit at her aunts before her aunt had to go to work at the hospital. Her uncle works mornings at the office while her aunt works nights at the hospital, this was a good dynamic for Jane cause Sunmi was always able to watch her little sister while she was in school. However, today Sunmi's job called her in earlier so when Yeonwoo, Hyebin, and Daisy pick the little girl up, she would have to get ready to go into work.

"Hey..." Jane snaps out of her thoughts to see her friends walking up to her.

"Hey guys." Jane said with a small smile. "Do you need Seoyeon's car seat?"

"Yeah, we were wondering if you can get it out your car and put it in mine." Yeonwoo said. Jane nods and closes her locker as they walked out the school and towards Jane's car which happened to be parked next to Yeonwoo's.

"I actually can't wait to see the little squirt. I haven't seen her in so long." Daisy said happily making Jane laugh a little.

"She misses you girls too. She's always asking me when you girls are going to see her again." Jane said as she takes the seat out and transfers it to Yeonwoo and straps it in. "It should be secured, and if anything, have my imo help you guys."

"What are you gonna do there?" Hyebin asked.

"I'll probably work on some homework or something like that. Thank god it's only an hour."

"You'll be fine. Just... Don't kill her." Jane rolls her eyes. "We'll see you soon." Jane hugs her friends before walking back into the building to where detention was being held. When she opens the door, she groans when she sees the head cheerleader as well as others, not much people she knew. As she looked around, she only then realizes that the only seat available was the one next to the girl who got her here in the first place. It's only an hour she thinks as she takes a deep breath and walks to the seat next to the girl.

"You can't sit here." Nancy said bluntly, glaring at the troublemaker.

"There isn't any other chairs available princess. Trust me, this is torture for me too. But this is only for an hour. So suck it up." Nancy huffs and folds her arms as Jane sits down and takes out her notebook and homework. She figured to kill time by doing her homework, she rather spend time with Seoyeon rather than homework. Seoyeon, just her name makes her smile huge, the love she has for her sister is something that's unexplainable. Her little sister is her world, without her, she wouldn't be here.

"You're lucky that JooE and Ahin was able to carry on practice without me." Nancy said making her jump a little.

"And I care why?" Jane said in a bored expression.

"You're such a bitch, you know that right?"

"I know, I hear it all the time from you." Jane said rolling her eyes.

"I really don't get why people like you, you're rude."

"I think about that all the time McDonie." Nancy shuts her mouth and doesn't say anything for the rest of the while in which Jane was grateful for. 

          By the time Jane finished her homework, the teacher indicated that time is up and they were free to leave. Jane jumps up from her chair and quickly puts everything in her bag before bolting out the room and out the building to her car. The parking lot was pretty much deserted and due to winter approaching, the light turned near dark. Jane hopped into her car and made her way to leave until she noticed a small girl sitting alone at the bus stop looking cold. Jane wanted to ignore what she saw and leave but something in her head was telling her not too. She groaned loudly before pulling up in front of the bus stop and rolled her window down. 

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