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you think that your tears are weakness
your screams a symptom of helplessness
but you see, it is not the flower's fault
for being trampled on by the feet of ruthless strangers.

others have seized your throbbing heart
devoured all the love it has to offer
scraped out honey until there was nothing left
and left behind only the dirt of their fingernails.

you should not carry the burden of shame or guilt
that others have abandoned in your chest
because you are not atlas
and you don't owe the world an ounce of remorse.

the truth is,
ever since you were brought into this world
your defiant wails have been a sign
that to cry is to be alive.

so when you're ashamed of your tears
remember that water is what allows flowers to thrive
and that even amidst the harshest devastation
you will find daisies growing in between concrete's crevices.

when your roots are torn and frayed
it's up to you
to make a home out of concrete
and have the courage to grow.

when your roots are torn and frayedit's up to youto make a home out of concreteand have the courage to grow

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photo from "readings by yerevan"

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