i. when jackson met aliya

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They really were parasites, the brain sucking kind.

To think, just several hours ago Aliya had rather unceremoniously fallen out of her bed in an attempt to wrestle with her alarm clock to get it to finally shut the fuck up, and now she was stood, staring down at the people who could, quite frankly, ruin her life was a sick, cruel joke in itself.

Mentally, she was still at the dining table, half falling asleep over a bowl of Rice Krispies, one hand attached to the handle of her coffee mug and one hand holding a spoon, contemplating her multitude of life choices that led to her current predicament.

It was true that Aliya wasn't the greatest adult.

Though, at the age of twenty seven, she would've at least expected to own her own home, not living in a house with two married couples and a woman who her ex-boyfriend left her for.

Aliya reckoned that fact alone damaged her pride because in her past relationships, three to be exact, she was usually the one that did the leaving. She was a chronic runner. And that may be the reason why none of her relationships lasted all that long. And why she snuck out of the bed of some random man she met at Joe's a few nights ago. And the time before that.

From her previous relationship ending just a few months ago, she did however get the last laugh by storming out of his apartment and actually vocalising the words 'we're over' directly to his face as she nearly slammed the door nearly off of its hinges.

But, the girl scout that still lived inside her couldn't hate the woman he left her for (correction: cheated on her with), no matter how hard she tried.

Oh, how she would sell her soul for another box of Thin Mints.

Aliya buried her head into her hands, unable to physically look at those orange scrubs any longer.

They were an eye sore.

An ugly, metal tower in a forest of trees.

Today marked the day that Seattle Grace and Mercy West merged to create a franken-hospital — Seattle Grace Mercy West, and no one was going to get over it. And how could they? Seeing as a fair proportion of the previous doctors, nurses, interns and various other Seattle Grace hospital staff were let go to let the others from Mercy West in. And even then, the place was still horribly crowded.

Aliya heard a rumour from one of her favourite Nurse's (another correction: her favourite nurse), Andy that Richard was going to have to let even more staff go.

By some miracle, Aliya managed to survive the first round of cuts, though she never doubted her surgical abilities.

"They took George's cubby." Izzie told them, sadly, looking off into the distance at the ugly orange scrubs.

ten minutes ago

"Oh, hey, you can't put that in there." Izzie pointed to the locker a Mercy Wester was heading straight towards to put her bag in. A photo George had put up there from when he became a resident was still taped onto the wood — a picture of the six interns, sitting on the very bench Aliya was sat on.

It looked like some sort of deranged family photo — George and Izzie were sat there nicely, smiling at the camera. So were Meredith and Cristina, standing behind them. However, Aliya was trying to retrieve her stolen cereal bar from Alex both of their arms outstretched as the girl in the photo tried to reach out for it with one hand pushing off of Alex's shoulder.

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