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walking through the doors I immediately see my best friends.

Aria, Hanna, Emily, and Alison.

"Hey" I say sitting down with Marion in my lap.

I look up and see Emily and Alison had a twin each in their lap. Same with Aria and Hanna holding Kathrine and Aiden in their laps. I still look at them and I can't believe how far we have gotten after A and A.D we finally have a normal life. married and with children.

"Hey, spence" Aria says kindly.

"so what's the important that even Ali had to com here all the way from beacon eights" Hanna said eager to find out.

"Beacon heights" Alison corrected Hanna

"I need your guy's help for after Marion's birthday party"

"help on what?" Emily asked 

"I went to the doctor's two days ago . . ." I said in a nervous and hesitant tone

"and what? what did the doctor tell you?!" Hanna practically screamed at me like she was scared or worried.

"I'm pregnant" I whisper

"omg! congratulation's!"  Alison's says hugging with Marion and lily in the middle also hugging.

"oh my god! Marion gonna be a big sister" Aria said giving Marion a kiss in the cheek.

"Another niece or nephew that I can make outfits for"

"Toby doesn't know yet and I want to tell him in a special way" I say slightly blushing.

"Well, I mean I have about 60 different ways you can tell Toby that your pregnant" Hanna said sarcastically.

"mind sharing?" Spencer said seriously.


Marion's birthday party was at the Hastings Mansion backyard. Marion was the happiest. she was wearing a flower dress with pink flats and her dirty blonde hair down in its natural curls. She looked so much like her mother except she would probably have her dad's light brown hair and his bright blue eyes. 

It was time for cake and sing happy birthday to Marion. Marion had spent all day being carried around by Toby Although Spencer and Toby decided it was time for her to learn how to walk.

"Baby, its time for everyone to sing you happy birthday" Toby said kissing her temple and Marion laughed not knowing what he was talking about just be with her dad.

Toby, Spencer, and Marion were In front of a 2 layered pink cake with roses and a big number 1. Toby and spencer took hold of Marion's little hands when Jason lit the candle so she couldn't burn herself or grab the cake before they finished singing happy birthday to her. Marion was staring at everyone wonder why they were singing to her, but she mostly cared about eating cake.

"Blow out your candles baby" Spencer said to Marion. Toby blew out a candle to show Marion what Spencer was saying. Marion tried to blow out the candles but couldn't without her parents help. Marion Laughed and clapped her hands when the candles were out. Marion was so happy that she grabbed cake with her hand slapped it to her face, everyone laughed at her cuteness. Cake was served.

"Time for Presents!" Hanna screamed

Spencer was seated next to the presents with Marion on her lap. Marion got toys, dresses, shoes, and more Toys.

"One more present, it's from mommy" Toby said handing Spencer the present.

Marion Tried to open her present but couldn't so Spencer helped her. Inside the box their was a baby onesies saying 'Going To Be A Big Sister!' Marion laughed and clapped her hands once she saw the onesies.

"Do you like them?" Spencer asked Marion. As a response Marion hugged the onesies. Toby was still shocked of what he saw and heard, until he saw Spencer rubbing her stomach.

 Spencer stood up carrying Marion.

"You're pregnant?" Toby said smiling.

"Is it too soon?" Spencer asked

"No its perfect" Toby kissed her. "how long?"

"2 months"

"I love you Spencer Cavanaugh"

"I love you too, Tobias Cavanaugh"


Spencer gave birth to a baby boy. Keegan Cavanaugh. Spencer and Toby moved Back to Rosewood. Toby built a house for them. Marion and Keegan were both successful in school and after. Hanna had 3 more kids 2 girls and her last boy. Aria and Ezra decided to adopt a baby boy. Alison and Emily got back together after she left beacon heights. Alison admitted to having a one night stand with Taylor Hotchkiss. Spencer and Toby stayed together grew old and watched their children grow up.







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