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"OH MY GOD" I yell

"what!" Toby asks in shock.

"the baby just kicked" I say in pride

"Really where?" I put his hand on my stomach where out baby just kicked and she or he kicks again.

"yup, she just kicked" he says

"she?" I question

"or he" he says



1 week later

8:25 am and Toby took the day off so he can be with me and our baby. Today is the day we find out our baby's gender.

"What do you think our baby will be a boy or a girl" I ask Toby

"I think its a girl" he says handing me my breakfast.

"why?" I ask

"I don't now why, I just feel like its going to be girl" he says and I groan.

"can I ask you something?" he asks nervously. "shoot" I say

"Ever since the party you act weird when I bring up a certain subject" he says

"Certain subject?" I ask innocently as if I didn't know what he was talking about.

"yeah, like work or anything from last week" he says. I have to tell him. I think to myself

"I'll tell you, as long as you don't get mad, promise?" I say


I sigh

"At the party last week I was looking for my mom and I found Marco and he congratulated me as if he cared," I look at toby's eyes deep. "he said he didn't care about my pregnancy or our marriage but he cared about me," I look at Toby's eyes and I see anger fill his eyes. "And that shocks me because when I needed his help, he was a total asshole, turned his back on me and only matters worst." I say with tears streaming down my face, remembering the memory of when A.D was still running the game.

"Oh, baby" Toby says enveloping me into a hug and I sob into his shoulder.

we spent 2 hours cuddling on the couch and sometimes making out. after that we had to get ready for our appointment to find out the gender of our baby. 

"I cant believe were going to know our baby's gender" I say in excitement 

"I can, cause am having a baby with the love of my life" he says and I blush.

We walk in the waiting room and I see women with huge baby bumps and small ones, even newborn babies sleeping. I cant wait to see my baby when he or she is born.

"How far are you?" I woman besides me asks.

" four months" I answer.

"oh, I thought you were 3 months"

"are you?"

"yeah, I am 6 weeks tomorrow" she says 

"And the father?" I ask

"Its my third child, and the father had an affair with some slut and got her pregnant at almost the same time as, so now he is starting his new family with that homewrecking slut" she says getting angry.

"And the father of your baby?" she asks sweetly.

"Oh, he is signing in he should be here any minute" I say

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