"How did she do that?" Jenny asked

"She does not take 'Mama Jokes' too easily" Jon said.

"Okay, so she is obviously over protective of her brother and defensive of her family" TJ said thoughtfully.

"Or she has no sense of humor" Jon snorted

Jon held out his hand to me, and I took it. He pulled me up, and I put my hand on my back, were there is now gonna be a bruise. I landed on my back, and ass, and it doesn't feel all that great.

"I can't believe she put you on your ass!" Jenny said, emphasizing the words 'she' and 'you'.

The boys agreed, and I just rolled my eyes.

"Whatever. Let's go back to my house." I grumbled, walking to the exit of the mall.

"Well, on the bright side, we now know her weakness" TJ mumbled to me.

I smirked.

Indeed we do.

Dawn's POV

"How the heck did you do that!" Jesse exclaimed

"I... honestly don't know..." I replied confused.

Seriously, I have now idea where that strength came from. It was probably all of my bottled up anger. From Jim, from school, from my life. That comment he made just pushed me to my limit, I guess.

"Well, however you did it, it was awesome!" He said with a grin.

"I mean, did you see their faces! It was priceless! And you were awesome! Like the Incredible Hulk! Sis, you put him on his ass- I mean butt!" He said

"Language!" I yelled at him

I'm not all that proud or happy about what I did. For one- I embarrassed him, most popular guy in the school. He could get anyone to beat me up in school to get back at me. Heck, he might even do it himself. For two- I reminded myself of my father. Violent and mean. I pushed him down and it was so unlike me! Yes, I was beyond pissed about what he said, but I could've ignored it. He doesn't know that my mom is dead. No one does. He didn't mean it that way. I could've handled that better. I should've handled that better.

"Sorry" he said, referring to his language.

When we got home, it was starting to get dark.

We walked up the driveway, and Jim's old beat up truck was parked on it.


"When we get inside, go up stairs, go in my room, lock the door, then, go into the bathroom, and lock that door too. Do not come out of the room, no matter what. Got it" I said, seriousness lacing my every word, hiding the fear in it.

"Okay sis." He said, hesitating at first.

"Just... stay strong" he added

"I will. I pinky promise." I said.

We looped pinkies, and I pecked his hand and he pecked mine, then we let go.

We got on the porch, and I opened the door, slowly.

We walked through the hallway, and when we were at the stairs, I gave Jesse my beanie and hoodie, and he ran up the steps as quietly and as quickly as he could.

I could hear the tv, and the sound of someone sipping, loudly, on a drink.

"F-father?" I stuttered, walking cautiously to the lounge room.

When I got into the lounge room, the only light was the tv.

Jim wasn't in the room.

I furrowed my eyebrows in confusion.

Then, he came out of the dark kitchen, walking tauntingly slow.

He took a large gulp of his beer.

"So... I came home, only to find that no one was here" he said, taking another swing of his beer, slightly slurring his words.

"It's not a school day, so, tell me, where were you?" He asked, more like commanded, harshly.

"We- I- was at..." I stuttered. I can't come up with anything!

"Were you with someone?" he said, getting angrier by the second

"N-no" I stuttered

It's not a lie, but it's not the truth either. I was with Jesse, but we ran into Ryder. Literally and figurtively.

"Don't lie to me" he said, walking closer.

"I'm n-not, Sir" I said, fear in my voice

Then, his fist connected with my face, and I drop to the floor, with a throbbing and bleeding nose.

"Lying bitch!" He screams, then he stomped on my right leg, making me yelp in pain

He grabbed me by the arm, and roughly yanked me up, and threw me back down, making my land on my left arm, twisting it in a painful position

I looked up at Jim. He has a belt in his hand.

Where the hell did the belt even come from!?

Fear takes over my hole body, and I start to drag my self away from him, shaking in fear.

He raised the belt, and swung it down at me, using it as a whip.

I yelp in pain when it made contact with my bare arm.

He raised it again, swung it down, and it lashed me on the leg

I gasp as the stinging sensation that goes through my leg. It feels like my leg is on fire, as well as my arm.

Even through my clothes, it manages to lash my body.

He repeats this a few more times, lashing my legs, arms, stomach, and my cheek.

He drops his belt in front of my tiny trembling figure, and gets on his knees beside me.

He raises his fists, and punches me anywhere and everywhere he could.

I pull my self into a fetal position, in an attempt to protect myself as much as I can.

He gets up, and kicks my upper back, lower back, and stomps on my rib cage.

I scream in pain as his foot makes contact with my fragile body.

He grabs me by my hair and throws me to ground, one last time. Then walks into his room, slamming his door shut.

I lay there. Paralyzed.

My whole body hurting like hell. It feels like I'm on fire. Like I'm burning to death. There's so much pain. That's all my life is. Pain. A never ending pain.

Everything got blurry, and black dots clouded my vision.

Then, everything went black.

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