chapter 4

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Afnan's POV

Several minutes later, yaya Asif came back.

"Are they not here yet?"he asked mama while taking a sit.

"wallahi har yanzu shiru" mama replied.

The sudden knock caught mama's attention as yaya Asif proceed to open the door.

Yaya Asif frown a little at the intruder which or so happens to be Dada.

"Dada ina wuni" he greeted bending a little.

"Lafiya kalau" she answered as she went passed him.

"Sannu da zuwa Dada" mama greeted as they exchange pleasantries.

I also greeted her to which she acknowledged with a nod.

"But where is fa'iza" mama asked dropping a tray of drinks and snacks.

"Oh, she's not coming, something has come up at the dying minute and she really needs to attend to it" Dada replied.

"Ok, su laila ma are on their way" mama replied taking a sit.

"Mama zan fita"said yaya Asif

" where are you going"

"Am going to kamal's house" he replied.

"Ok, sai ka dawo, and don't stay too long,you know your dad is coming back today"

"Ok, sai na dawo" he heads towards the door.

Mama turn to me.

"Go and call su Nabeelah"

I went upstairs right straight towards Aneesa's room because after Nabeelah start to dislike me she renovated to Aneesa's room giving the excuse of me snoring really loud , so she couldn't sleep.

".....and he's even coming to kano this sallah, you known last gathering he as absent" a high pitched voice said which am really sure was aneesa.

And they all sequel really loud making me a bit jealous.

I wish they don't dislike me, I wish I could be part of their conversation and I will aslo cheer like they did, I wish I still have my sister, so many wishes, as much as I hate to admit,I know am lonely in this house, nobody to share my thoughts with, my sorrows , my happy moments, hhmm I sigh sadly.

Yaya Asif is a man I can't tell him everything, neither can I tell yaya Abeedah and not all things you go pouring unto your mother.

I don't usually eavesdrop, but hearing their constant sequel makes me the more interested.

From my reference they seem very happy, and my presence will only make that happiness go down hill, an opportunity to hate me the more.

Another happy sequel brought me out of my thoughts.

"Oh God what did he say" Nabeelah asked.

"He said he will call me" aneesa replied happily.

I wonder who is this HE they are referring to.

"Oh my, he's so hawwwttt" Nabeelah purred.

"I know right" aneesa squealed.

"I just hope Dada will make everything so fast and get us married, yana kira na , zan gaya wa mama, because I can't wait" my sister cheered.

"Oh yeah and then you will be Aneesa Maleek Jibril Bashir Tofa" Nabeelah replied.

Wait , WHAT!!! Maleek!!!

Maleek will be present at the upcoming gathering!!!

Ya Allah , this isn't good, no I can't go, I can't meet him, am not suppose to see him, God am in dip shit!!!

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