Along the time Seokjin fell hard , really hard for Yoongi till their is no turning back .He loves and admire the younger with all his heart . He was always there for him and vies versa . He thought it's easy to hide his feeling but the fond glances , silent care gave him away. Anyone could tell he is wipped for his Yoongi just by his stares. He got called on so many times by others but it was always an embarrassing moment for both of them cause they didn't have any answers for their teasings . He tried to take their relationship forward but Yoongi had his own doubts and fear . Despite all the support from the members and persuasion he also couldn't overlook the consequences they might get from their decision. So he let Yoongi be and kept his feelings to himself and tried not to force him to it.

But it hurt whenever the younger said harsh words or got a fling with someone else he couldn't actually protest or say anything they were not really in a relationship , they aren't right ? It pained him so much but he endured it ,because he is deeply,madly, foolishly in love with his Yoongichi.

You can't blame him ,may be that little ball of fur couldn't express his feelings but his Hyung knew he loves him too. May be it was unspoken , silent but it was there . They both knew, they can feel it in every fibre in their bones. They thought it was just a attraction towards each other it will go away with time but it never did it grew , expanded, bloomed with time.

Seokjin doesn't know where they stand or where they will take their relationships or is it even a relationship ,so does Yoongi. Seokjin desperately wants to know what Yoongi wants to do with whatever they have . Is there any future of this relationship?Are they ever will get married ? or have a family? Are they going to be the way they are now ? Will they break apart ? Is there anything they even have to break? What future Yoongi paints for them to have ? So many questions are to be answered And only Yoongi can answer to them .

They both know they love each other. They are there for each other but sometimes words are like church bell which reminds you to remember the one who loves you the most in the Chaos of your day to day life. Seokjin sometimes needs Yoongi's 'i love you's' to remember that the younger loves him,and he is not just a place of 'wants and needs '.Hearing it once in a while makes you feel good, loved and wanted. So why Yoongi doesn't say it he loves him ,he does ,doesn't he but he never says it. Why? Those are the unwanted questions Seokjin doesn't want to ask and put doubt in his mind. They both know they don't need words for their unconditional love for each other. They are contented that way.

On the other hand Yoongi never doubted his feelings for the older or his hyungs feelings for him. He envisioned a beautiful future with his Hyung. Their small house, kids and each other. He doesn't know when but someday for sure. But he didn't find it in himself to share his dreams with the one he build his dream home with. He knows his Hyung has uncertainties about their relationship but you can not blame him , can you? when you are the one not talking to him for days or not replying to his texts or flirting with others not really but it looks like he probably thinks that Yoongi is sleeping with them as well. But no Yoongi would never do that. Communication was never Yoongi's thing. he is a certified tsundere , he has papers ask him. So he shows his love with actions, his mountain like strong support for his Hyung , his silent care , unspoken 'love yous' with his fond beholds , his wide gummy smile everytime their eyes met, he sacrificed his dear sleep to watch movies with his Hyung, holding each other in their arms and he doesn't regret a bit of it. Those are the moments he treasures the most dearly within his heart.oh how much he loves every drop of it.

But his actions aren't enough anymore and nowadays it's rare as well with their busy schedules and workload he doesn't get much time to spend with his Hyung . he can't tell when was the last time they spoke to each other is the time he should use words to ensure his Hyung that he loves him and he mustn't feel forgotten or unwanted he still loves him with all his being and everything will be okay at the end. But when is the end ? End of what ? He can't answer those questions. He doesn't know when he will be able to hold his hyung's hands without any restriction. But he knows he will one day. He wants his Hyung to wait till then.

I Wanna Grow Old With You (Yoonjin)√√Where stories live. Discover now