Lionel Messi- I Don't Want To Lose You (Part Two)

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Memories come and go, moments pass, most miniscule things fade away as time moves on. There are, however, many memories that remain in our hearts, moments that replay in our minds, and miniscule things that stay with us forever.

Lionel wrinkled his forehead when he was trying to concentrate.

Brandy always gripped the back of Leo's shirt when she hugged him.

Those were quite possibly the smallest of things you could remember about a person yet Brandy found it even harder to concentrate without thinking about his focused face and Leo didn't like that he walked around without wrinkles in the back of his shirt.

Two months after their break-up and the two had little to no contact. Even when Brandy needed more of her clothes she went while Lionel was away and sent a friend in to grab them. Texts were one-sided conversation's and calls weren't returned. The first moment they saw each other in person was at a party of sorts.

Gerard was having a "little" get together at a club and invited Brandy, who invited a friend so she would know at least one person there.

Gerard invited Leo, as well as all other teammates, who only agreed to come after being convinced that he needed a night to relax; he had gone out only once since doing just that was the reason for the demise of his relationship.

Neither knew about the presence of the other at this party.


"I'm gonna go get a drink." Brandy said to her friend, after the sing they were dancing to was over. It was easy navigating the party-goers to get there, Gerard didn't lie when he said it was a small get together; there were still quite a few people there, but not nearly as much as there would be if the club were open to the public.

Leo sat at his table on the other side of the club, along with a few of his friends chatting with each other, and looked around. So far, the party had been easy going and uneventful. That's how he liked it.

"What do you say Leo?" Gerard nudged Lionel's arm, effectively pulling him back into the conversation.

"Huh?" He asked, very confused. Gerard rolled his eyes and ruffled Lionel's hair.

"You are a space case. Drinks! You wanna put the next round on you?" Leo shoved Gerard away, fixed his hair, and then shot a look at his friend.

"I'm good, actually." He muttered, looking away. As he turned, though, his eyes caught sight of a very familiar face. He was shocked at first, for the last time they were in the same place at the same time, as far as he was aware, was two months ago. He kept his eyes trained on her as he spoke to Gerard, "on second thought, I'll get the next round, be right back." He rushed before standing from the booth and making a beeline for his person of interest. He stopped his fast pace as she reached the bar first. He had to play it cool, pretend he didn't notice her.

He walked over and stood a few stools away, enough space so that it was logical that he wouldn't notice her but not so much that she wouldn't notice him.

"Can I get six glasses of whiskey please?" He ordered once the bartender walked over.

Brandy froze upon hearing that. That voice was too distinct to belong to anyone else. Briefly, she had wondered what he was doing there before realizing it was his friends party she was at. Ofcoursehe'sgonnabeheretoo. She reprimanded herself. She peaked out of the corner of her eye, just to make sure her ears weren't deceiving her. Sure enough, Leo stood there. To her, he looked better than ever, standing in dark washed jeans and a very fitted gray T-shirt. She swallowed nervously and averted her eyes. She had her drink, but suddenly didn't feel like leaving the bar. She wanted to stay a little longer in the hopes that he'd notice her, though he showed no signs of it yet. Finally, after lots of inner conflict, she grew some metaphorical balls and decided to notice him first.

"That's a lot of alcohol for one guy." She looked his way, a small smile on her face. Leo turned his head at the sound of her voice, a smile immediately playing on his lips. That voice he hadn't hears for the longest time. He was too... starstruck to say a word at first.

"I got hustled into buying everyone drinks." He responds with a laugh, the smile never leaving his face. She threw her head back and let out a laugh of her own. It was loud and obnoxious, but to Leo it couldn't be more beautiful if angels were singing.

"Let me guess; Gerard?" Lionel nodded, and she released another short laugh. He had made closer to her, and laughed along with her.

They sat and talked with each other, laughed with each other, enjoyed each others company. Everything was like normal. Leo forgot all about the past months, reveling in the few seconds that he got to speak to her and hear her laugh again. Brandy was too caught up in the moment to remember they weren't together anymore.

Seconds turned to minutes, minutes turned to hours, and hours turned to them walking out to the parking lot together. They walked so close that their hands rubbed against each other with each step they took, neither one of them moved over though, each enjoying the feeling.

As they were leaving the club, Leo caught Gerard smiling wickedly at the both of them, and it suddenly dawned on him that he had been set up, but he couldn't have been happier.


A/N: Ikindastruggledalotwiththeendingwhichexplainswhyitskindacrappy :/ anyways, dedicatedtoShineBright505aswellbecauseIsplititup into twoparts. That'sactuallyitfornow. UNTILNEXTTIME!!

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