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This is inspired by MarksmenRose and their book called Last kNight. It's a really good book, 10/10  would recommend. This oneshot is mainly inspired by the characters and "royal" theme from their book! <3

Characters: Die (otherwise known as PewDIEpie.exe), Darkiplier and Antisepticeye of course :)

Y/N = Your name 
F/N = Fathers name 

"Y/n dear, are you ready?" Mother asks as I study myself in the mirror. I smile to myself and I turn to my mother, who also happens to be the Queen of Marid, a large kingdom settled beside the coast. 
"Well, I think I am. What do you think?" I ask, as I twirl around in my ball gown, it's puffy skirt spinning gently. 
"I think you look gorgeous." She says, smiling as she admired my features. "This ball will be a perfect time for you to choose someone worthy for your love." She says, nodding towards me. I try to hold back a sigh, not wanting to disappoint her or Father. They've been pestering me all winter about how I am now old enough to get married and how my brother is already married and blah blah blah. 
"How are my two beautiful ladies?" I look up to see my father beaming at us, his arms open wide. I laugh and engulf him into a hug and he chuckles, hugging me back. "You both look so wonderful." He exclaims, as I pull away. 
"Thank you." My Mother and I both say, giggling as we look at each other. 
"Shall we?" My Father asks, stretching his arm for my Mother to take. She smiles and nods, as she wraps her arm around his and her other hand reaches out to mine. I gladly take it and together, we make our way to the ballroom. 
"Everyone's here I suppose?" Mother asks. 
"Yes, I've invited all of our allies and acquaintances." He says, as one of the maids opens the door for us. 

As we enter, the room hushes and the orchestra plays a soft tune as we make our way to our thrones. As I sit down, I notice King Darkiplier, the ruler of the demon kingdom and his close friends, Lord Die and Antispeticeye, his only royal Knight. I blush as Antispeticeye, or Anti, looks towards me. He bows his head slightly before flashing me a charming smile. He was always known to be bold a demon, always "wooing" any girl he sees.
 As my Father addresses the crowd, I can't help but look back at the demon, who's eyes were already on me. I blush again, trying not to seem too flustered and he smirks, before winking at me. I wish I could hide my face, I'm sure I'm a hot, flustered mess. He turns to whisper something into Lord Die's ear and they both turn to look at me. Lord Die bows his head politely and Anti again flashes that cheeky smirk. I smile back at them, not wanting to seem rude and I turn back to face my Father, who's finally finishing his speech. 
"Let the Annual Marid Ball, begin!" He shouts raising his glass. People shout and cheer, some raising their glasses and some already drinking. 
"Y/N dear, why don't you go grab something to eat, maybe talk to some of our guests while you're at it hmm?" Mother asks, nudging me out of my seat. I resist rolling my eyes and instead stand up and make my way to the massive table, filled with all sorts of foods. Clearly she just wants me to find someone attractive to mingle with. I grab a strawberry and carefully dip it into the chocolate fountain, that towers over the table. 
"A princess eating with her hands? I'm surprised you aren't using a fork." I quickly turn around to face Antisepticeye himself, his arms crossed as he grabs a strawberry as well. 
"Well I-" He cuts me off by leaning his body in front of me, as his hand reaches for the chocolate sauce. He stands up straight again and pops the strawberry into his mouth. 
"No need to explain Princess, I understand." He says, stepping closer to me. I blush, but I don't step back. He raises an eyebrow and looks at the strawberry still waiting patiently to be eaten, in my hand. "Are you going to eat that, or are you going to be staring at me for the rest of this ball?" 
"Oh!" I quickly snap out of my daze, still blushing like crazy. I eat the strawberry, the sweetness from both the fruit and the chocolate taking over my body. 
"They're good aren't they?" He asks, popping another one into his mouth. I nod, still chewing. He smiles, as he leans on the table. "So tell me princess, why's someone like you, staring at someone like me?" He asks. Someone like me? 
"What do you mean by someone like me? You're no different to me." I say, tilting my head. He smiles, a sparkle in his eyes. 
"Well, I'm no royal am I? I'm just surprised someone who's as high as you, notices someone as low as me." I frown, shocked that he thinks so little of himself. 
"You see, I don't believe in statuses. I believe that we are all equal no matter our class or status." He looks at me in wonder, before taking my hand. A slow, soft tune fills the ballroom and he bows his head, 
"You highness, would you do me the honour, and let me have this dance?" He asks, gently kissing the top of my hand. I nod, smiling like a fool as he leads me to the center of the ballroom. He pulls me closer to him, one arm wrapped around my waist and his other hand holding mine. I follow his lead by placing one hand on his shoulder and my other hand is already held by his. As we start to dance, I notice the room is quieter than before. I glance over Anti's shoulder and see that most of the guests have turned to look at us, while other dance as well. I catch a glimpse of King Dark, who has small smile on his face. I look back at Anti and I notice he's doing the same. He looks back at me and smiles, 
"It seems like your Father doesn't mind me dancing with his daughter." He says, spinning me around, so then I can take a look at him. Sure enough, he's right. My Father stands there, his arm around Mother's waist, a subtle smile on his lips as they both watch us dance. I look back at Anti and I smile, moving closer to him, 
"In this kingdom, status is just a mere name, everyone is treated equally. You are just as important as me Anti." I say, as his grip on my waist slightly tightens. 
"I wish there were more people out there who were modest like you, this world needs a mindset like yours. You're an admirable princess, I hope one day you will teach people your ways." He whispers, before spinning me around again and pulling me back in. I blush, looking into his gorgeous, dark blue eyes. 
"Thank you, for everything you just said, really means a lot." I whisper back and he smiles. I lean my head against his shoulder as we gently sway with the music, that's slowly fading away. 

Applause erupts throughout the ballroom and I smile, my eyes locked onto Anti's. He smiles back, before stepping away, his hand still holding mine. The ballroom is back to it's normal chaos, with loud chatter and more upbeat music wafting through the air. We both walk back to the table, hand in hand.
"That was fun." I say, laughing as I once again start to eat more chocolate covered strawberries. 
"It really was." He says, laughing as he watches me stuff my mouth with strawberries. 
"Princess Y/N!" I freeze and turn to see King Dark and Lord Die make their ways towards me. I look at Anti, my eyes wide as I realise that there are approximately three to four strawberries in my mouth. Anti laughs, before grabbing a tissue and wiping my face. I manage to quickly swallow all of them before they reach me. Anti flashes me a quick wink before turning to Dark. 
"King Dark, to what do I owe the pleasure?" I ask, curtsying towards him and Die. He bows in return, 
"I just want to say thank you and your Kingdom for inviting us to such a prestigious event." He says. 
"Of course your highness, you are one of our closest allies, it would be absurd for us not to." I say. 
"Y/N!" We all turn to see my Father approaching us. 
"Uh oh." I whisper. Anti stiffens and he slowly lets go of my waist. 
"King Dark." My Father says, nodding towards him. 
"King F/N." Dark replies. 
"I'm so glad you all could make it. It's always nice to see old friends." He says and Dark smiles politely. 
"The same goes to you." My Father then looks towards Anti, studying him as Anti bows. 
"Your highness." 
"Oh Anti, you don't have to call me that. You're like a long lost son to me." He says, before turning back to see my Mother waving him over. "I better go, don't want your mother telling me off in front of everyone." He says, smiling at me before hurrying over to her. 
"Did he just call me his son." Anti asks, his eyes wide. Lord Die laughs and places his hand on Anti's shoulder. 
"Guess it's sealed then. When's the wedding?" He asks, Dark and Die both laugh as Anti and I blush. 
"Shut up you." He growls, a small smile playing at his lips as he smacks Die's hand off his shoulder. They both walk off, still laughing and I turn to Anti. 
"I'm sorry if what my Father said made you uncomfortable, I know-" Anti quickly grabs my hands, placing it in his, 
"It's okay, I don't mind being his son. And I definitely don't mind being your husband either." He says, his eyes sparkling in the light. 
"Wait, really?"
"Of course!" He says, beaming happily. "But I don't want to focus on that right now. Instead, lets focus on how many strawberries we can fit in our mouths." 
"Are you challenging me?" 
"Bring it on Princess." 

Bruh my writing is horrific. Anyways, thanks for reading and you should go check out MarksmenRose's book because cause it's way better than this oneshot. 

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