Hollow Body

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You went back to the dorms, getting stopped by Yang in the process of thinking.

"Did you find her?" She asked seriously.

"I did, but she ran. I couldn't catch up to her." You said with concern.

"Where did she go, and how long ago?" She asked again.

"She headed for the city five minutes ago. I tried to track her, but I can't use my tracking ability for longer than five minutes before I lose focus. It's a part of the light powers that comes with my semblance." You replied seriously.

"That's a start. Maybe we can use it tomorrow?" Yang replied confidently.

"If only, though, my tracking only works if the prints are fresh, as in within five minutes... we're going to have to do this the old-fashioned way." You said with less confidence.

"Well, shit. Though, you said you found her tracks, so why not follow it?" She replied with less confidence in finding Blake.

"When I said she got away, she was by the fountain, and I tried to convince her to come back to the dorms, but she used her semblance and ran. I had already been tracking her footprints for five minutes by the time I got to the fountain. The school's a big place." You said seriously.

"Well, thanks for the help, at least we know where she's headed." Yang replied with a stressed tone.

"Any time. And I am coming with the search party whenever your team goes out." You said casually.

"Are you sure you wouldn't rather stay in class, or with Pyrrha?" She asked curiously.

"About that... Blake's my girlfriend too, technically." You said nonchalantly.

"You're cheating on Pyrrha!?" Yang growled as her eyes turned red.

"No! It's not like that! Pyrrha knows, she actually decided to try sharing me with Blake, who likes me too, so I went with her to your dorm when Blake was there, and we invited her to go out with me while Pyrrha is going out with me. Please don't beat me..." You whined submissively.

"As long as she knows. If I decide to ask her, and she looks saddened by my question, even a little, I'm going to pummel your ass into the ground!" Yang said seriously.

"Got it." You said nervously.

Nobody scares you more than Yang when she's angry, Glynda, not so much since her casual tone with you at the range. You parted ways with Yang, going to your dorm to rest up. Then you received a knock on your door.

"Hello?" You whisper-yelled, going to the door to open it.

"Hello again, sorry if I'm being a bother." Pyrrha started.

"Hey, what can I do for you this fine evening?" You half-joked.

"Well, I wanted to wish you luck with finding Blake, I overheard you and Yang in the corridor, and I couldn't sleep, so I was thinking of maybe spending the night with you?" She said nervously.

"Sure, we'll have to go to the other dorm though, Trinity snores worse than a Grimm. Plus, there's not enough space here." You whispered with a chuckle.

"Nora's exactly the same." Pyrrha giggled playfully.

You closed the door behind you, and walked to the spare dorm with her, letting her walk in first.
You lay on your bed, and let Pyrrha choose one, being the same one as you, who tensed up for a second simply from not expecting her to choose the same one as you. She cuddled up with you, and after actually coming to terms with her movement, you reached over and held her hand, falling asleep shortly afterwards.

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