Chapter 13 - Janice

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Janice tried to focus on the meat frying in the skillet. The biscuits were browning in the oven. Just a few more minutes and it would be time for the gravy to be started and breakfast to be called out. Her mind kept drifting far away from the food, back to the hours of last night.

She couldn't help the flush that took up residence on her face. It had been there when she had woken to find his eyes on her and continued despite being alone in the house. How could she not think of last night over and over?

Steve had surprised her by following her into the bedroom and pulling her into a passionate kiss. From there, she found herself a true wife in every sense of the word. It had been magical, more so than she had ever dreamed. He had shown himself to be tender as he loved her. In fact, he had shown it several times.

Putting her hands against her face, she smiled. The day was going to be very special. But she had to focus on getting the breakfast made and put her dreams of marriage on the backburner.

With breakfast on the table and the men sliding in, she tried to avoid Steve's eyes as he entered. He had gone out to help the men prepare for the day. She could feel him watching her, but her heart beat too fast to meet his gaze. Instead, she focused on her own meal. After a few bites, she couldn't help herself. Her eyes slid over to her husband, who was watching her as he ate.

Her heart pounded. She froze in mid-chew. The rest of the room disappeared as she focused on him and his deep eyes. Then he smiled. Her face felt as though it was on fire. Giving him a smile in return, she looked down at her plate. Yes, it was a good day.

The meal was over, and the men began to leave. Steve lingered behind as Janice gathered the dishes. When she noticed him still in the room, she looked up at him. His face was contemplative as he stood in silence. He walked toward her, still not saying a word.

Janice found it hard to breath. The dishes in her hand shook. Steve reached her and took the dishes from her. Setting them aside on the table, he took her hands in his and drew her to him. Slowly, he lowered his head until his lips nearly touched hers.

"You are amazing," he whispered right before he kissed her soundly.

Janice felt herself drowning under his kiss. Her hands moved up to grasp his arms in order to steady herself. As he pulled back, he leaned his forehead against hers and sighed.

Without another word, he walked out, leaving a breathless wife behind.

The silence of the kitchen filled her senses, finally pushing the kiss out. Janic tugged her sleeves and pulled them up to her elbows. She smiled and sighed. One never knew what the future held.

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