Chapter 12 - Steve

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Roasted chicken had been a success. The pumpkin bread had been an even bigger hit. All were full and sated. And all were settled in for the night.

Janice and Steve sat in the parlor section of the house. A fire pulsed brightly and filled the room with warmth. A lamp had been lit and placed on the mantle as well as a second lamp Janice had purchased while in town. The three sources of light brightened the room into a cheerful and homey scene.

Steve had gathered some tack from barn and sat working on repairing several pieces. Janice worked in the bedroom, putting up her clothes and organizing her belongings. A tall candle gave her the light she needed to complete the task with her new trunk, illuminating her lithe body just enough for Steve to notice.

When she was done, she picked up one of the new deep baskets where she had placed some of her yarn and knitting needles that she had purchased that day as well. The store had just received a large shipment of yarn in preparation of the upcoming winter. The owner had said one local woman spun her own but had been ill for several months and did not have any to sell. Janice had wondered how much a spinning wheel would cost, mentioning that she had used her neighbors when she had been back East. Maybe she could help supply some to the community. It was something to think about, and Steve enjoyed the thought of her having some extra income.

Back in the parlor, Steve glanced up as she entered the room and extinguished the candle. She sat down in the other chair and placed the basket of yarn next to her. His eyes rose at the site of the overflowing container.

"That's a lot of yarn."

She looked down and shrugged. "If the winter is as bad as you say, this will last me a month. Might need to get more. The store owner said he'd make sure he ordered more."

"What do you plan on making?"

"I need a thicker shawl for one thing. Then a few extra blankets are needed. Socks, scarves, and anything else to keep us warm." She smiled at him. "Busy winter work."

Steve leaned back and let his work rest on his lap. He watched as she set about organizing her knitting. After a few minutes, he cleared his throat. "I know this started off rather awkward, but I wanted to let you know that I'm finding our arrangement. Ah. It seems to be working out fine," he managed to get out.

He noticed her flushed face and he shifted in the chair. It was so awkward talking about his feelings. She gave him a warm smile. "I'm glad. I'm liking it too. I hope I don't become burdensome. I will pull my own weight."

"Oh, I don't doubt that. I just wanted you to know that all is fine on my end."

"Thank you. I appreciate it." She ducked her head and focused on her work.

She had managed to get seven rows completed before she laid down her needles. Janice reached back and massaged her neck. Her eyes drifted to Steve who had finished his own work that now lay at his feet and was holding up the newspaper next to the lamp so he could see.

He flicked his eyes to her and connected with the green gems in her face. Janice sucked in a soft breath and lowered her eyes as a deep flush spread over her face. She began to fiddle with her knitting in an effort to distract herself and him as well.

Steve chuckled inwardly. He had been watching her surreptitiously all evening. The light from the fire danced across her features and highlighted the red within her hair. Her features were calming as she focused on her knitting. Oh, he had noticed her looking at him earlier which had brought about a pleasant feeling deep inside. He lowered the paper when she sat aside her knitting and stretched her arms.

She gave him a warm smile that made his heart beat in double time. "I think I'm going to turn in. Today was pretty exhausting." She pushed herself to the edge of the seat.

"Uh, sure. I'll be in later." Now he felt like a schoolchild caught staring at the pretty teacher.

He watched as she entered the bedroom and closed the door. He let out a slow breath. Just a couple of days into the marriage and he was struggling with not kissing her.

He frowned. What was wrong with kissing his wife? What was wrong with anything his mind was concocting when he thought of her, his wife?

Steve pushed himself up and strode to the bedroom door before he could change his mind. 

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