Chapter 7 - Janice

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Janice continued sweeping the floor after Dick went out to the porch. Dinner, and even the cooking, had gone well. She had enjoyed the older man who had made her laugh with his jokes. He apologized a few times as his course language would slip out. He tried to keep it clean, but warned her the other men were worse; they were not used to a woman being around them.

She had laughed it off and felt right at home with the man. He admitted that the kitchen was now hers but would be glad to help her out. He filled her in on the temperment of the wood stove and what food goods they had.

With the kitchen cleaned, she looked around. What to do now? Night had settled down which also brought about her nervousness again. There was too much uncertainty as to what was to come next.

Janice was very inexperienced with men. Oh, a few had tried to get fresh with her over the years, but she had learned to adapt and rebuff them. She had never willingly kissed a man. No man had given her an affectionate touch. Now she was married.

Giving up the fight with herself, she opened the door to the front porch. The men paused in their conversation and looked up at her. Dick and Steve sat on the steps, with Shawn propped up against the side, with his legs outstretched. The young man scrambled to this feet in awkward respect.

"Why don't we call it a night, son?" Dick said as he pushed himself up. "Have a good night, ma'am." He turned away but not before giving Steve a knowing wink.

Janice felt herself flush and wished them a good night. Steve had stood up as well, and leaned back against the post of the porch. He seemed as uncertain as she was.

"Would you mind if I sat out here with you?" Janice offered and pointed at the steps.

"Oh, sure." He waited until she had settled down before joining her.

Janice smoothed her dress over her knees, frowning at the wrinkles she could feel in the darkness. Only the lamp in the house and the sliver of moon gave them any light.

The ranch looked different in the darkness. It had an unearthly feel about it with the soft light from the heavens spreading out over the crisp night. The trees looked black and slightly menacing in the distance.

Janice shivered. It was colder than she had realized and wished she had put a shawl about her.

"You're cold." Steve looked at her.

She gave a shrug and smiled. "I was foolish to come outside without a shawl. Though it is so thin, it might not have helped much."

Steve scratched his cheek where the stubble of the day and grown. "Might not be a bad idea to get you something to make a thicker one."

"That would be wonderful. Will there be times we are snowed in? I might could get some fabric for sewing as well as yarn to knit some items. Would help to pass the time. Do you have any books?"

Steve blinked at the rapid questions. "Uh, a couple. Do you read?"

She nodded quickly. "Yes, I love it. I will read anything I can get my hands on. The dime novels can be fun to read as well as they have so many interesting stories."

"We can get you some. Yes, the winters can be boring with less to do. Our main focus will be on keeping the cattle safe and fed as well as the horses. We just finished our drive which means we have to focus on good stock for next year's drive."

"Hard work in different forms," she said as she looked up at the moon.

An uncomfortable silence descended on them. Janice picked at the folds in her dress. Steve rubbed his hands over his knees and looked out over the land.

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