After: Chapter 6- When Friend's Become Enemies

Start from the beginning

And yet, none of the Dandies made any move to attack.

The three of them were completely surrounded, with no way to escape unless they fought there was through, the Dandies creating a wall around them. Pete searched the crowd of vampires again, to see if he could notice any signs of an attack from any member of them; they were all tense but none of them gave an indication that they were going to lash out and attempt to strike at them. They all stood perfectly still, in a way that made the atmosphere feel eerie.

Pete was confused. What the hell is going on? Why aren’t they attacking us? Isn’t that what they want? The Dandies clearly outnumbered the three of them, so they already had that to their advantage, so what was stopping them from using that advantage to attack them? Pete didn’t want to attack first in the possibility that it was a trap, so instead, he tried to provoke them by moving forward by a few inches to give the impression that he was going to attack first, however, still none of the Dandies moved, neither to fight back nor to move away in defence. They were all as still as statues.
What the hell are they doing? Pete quickly turned his head to face Joe and Andy to see if they had any answers, but as he caught a glance of their confused and blank faces, it seemed their reaction was the exact same as his. 
Thomas had said that the Dandies had wanted revenge for William’s death- Pete could only assume that he meant that the Dandies wanted to kill them, and yet, none of them were making any move to try and do so.
So if they’re not here to kill us, what do they want?

From Andy and Joe’s expressions, it seemed like none of them knew exactly how to respond; after a few minutes of silence, and no more indications of attack, Pete finally decided to speak up. “What the hell do you want from us?”

The Dandies all seemed to move their heads to look to one another for an answer, but the movement was slow, and their first sign of movement in a while as if on command rather than out of their own free will. The whole of it seemed sinister to Pete as he raised the crossbow a small amount; Joe and Andy also still had their weapons raised.

The Dandies made no reply.

Pete was about to repeat the question, when Joe, being Joe, decided to intervene. “What the hell is with you vampires? Can’t you do anything without your master telling you what to do?” He grinned to himself as he insulted the vampires. “Does being undead make you stupid too?”

Pete was half-offended himself.

But before he could speak up again, one of the Dandies closest to the front stepped forward, not in any way to signal an attack but to show himself as the spokesperson for the group of vampires. He stood a few meters away from Pete and Andy and Joe both turned their heads around to face him, but still kept their bodies to the side to keep track of the vampires behind them. Pete instantly recognised the vampire that had stepped forward, with dark brown hair and wearing a deep blue blazer just like the last time- Brendon. Pete was taken-a-back only slightly, he thought Brendon had been killed in the earlier fight. Doesn’t that bastard just want to die?

As Pete made eye contact with Brendon, he spoke again, but this time just directly at Brendon “Are you the new leader or something?”

“No.” Brendon replied quickly, almost too quickly for Pete’s liking.

“Well what do you want from us?” Said Pete, repeating his earlier question.

Brendon flashed his fangs in Pete’s direction. “We’re here on command from our master.”

In a spilt second, Pete stiffened at the words, but tried not to show it. Your master? But how is that possible? William was dead, he made sure of that, but who could Brendon be talking about? Behind him, Joe and Andy were exchanging more looks of confusion.

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