[S] The Force Awakens Something Alright

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You're the lead engineer in the First Order, you are fascinated and intrigued by Kylo Ren, and begin to find yourself some what secretly attracted to him. Unexpectedly you are summoned by him to do some repairs and this experience leads you on a journey to discover a side of the supreme leader that you never expected to see. 

Word Count: 2.9k

Warnings: Smut and use of the force


Hux's dull voice faded out as you stared at the table watching the different holograms dancing across it depicting flight plans and other battle strategy. You hated these briefings, from the fact that you had to stand there and listen to the most menial things, to the fact that Hux seemed to make it his life mission to make it as boring as he possibly could.

You clenched your jaw in your best attempt to stifle a yawn before looking up and around at the other people at the table. They were doing their best to look interested and alert but the look in their eyes indicated that they were just as bored as you were.

You soon grew bored at studying their expressions and your eyes started to drift around the room. The walls were black and padded, and the table was the only piece of furniture in the room. Your eyes drifted over the doorway longing to just launch yourself over the table and run out of the door just to have this meeting over and done with. However, your eyes met a figure blocking the exit, your eyes quickly went to the face and your heart hammered as your eyes fell on the black mask of Kylo Ren.

You had been promoted to chief of Engineers a couple of weeks ago and had found yourself some what infatuated with the supreme leader. Even with his large frame and menacing posture your eyes always found him in the room. His great booming footsteps alerted everyone to his presence and many cowered away in fear, you figured that you should be absolutely terrified of the man. The mere mention of the things he had done is enough to send shivers down your spine and give you goose bumps. But instead of averting your eyes and doing your best to not draw attention to yourself, you found yourself staring.

The room quickly fell silent as Hux and the others in the room noticed Kylo Ren standing at the entrance. All eyes were focused on him.

"Supreme Leader is there something I can help you with?" stuttered Hux as he stood there moderately bewildered at his presence, and nervous as ever.

Kylo Ren never came to these meetings, you figured that he just didn't like being around people, which was fine because people didn't like being around him. The room stood in silence as you all gazed over at him, waiting for his response. The hollow eyes of his mask seemed to stare into your soul. Everyone was holding their breath perhaps praying that he was in a good mood, as you heard he had a tendency to draw his lightsabre and start slashing.

"I need the head of engineers" he said his voice robotic and emotionless cutting the air like a blade.

Your heart almost stopped, you swallowed and looked over at Hux, perhaps hoping for some support but he just stared at you in an almost pitiful way.

"Well what are you waiting for?" he said in a snidey tone stepping out of the way and motioning for you to leave, just wanting this whole thing to be over with so Kylo Ren would leave.

Forcing your legs to move and trying not to look horrified you stepped around the table and over towards the door, when you were about two feet away from the figure he stepped into the hallway, not turning to look at you as the door to the room slid shut behind you.

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