#01: Past

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I was looking at his back as he stared at the woman beside him.

That was my place, I was his woman, and he was my man, but not anymore.

The moment I chose my career over him, it's all over, everything. I can't help but think about how lucky that woman he was with. How she can touch, talk, kiss, and stared at him the way I did before, when he was mine.

From that moment I started to pity myself. How stupid can you be? Why did you let go of that kind of man? How can you choose something that isn't even permanent? and worse over him?

Questions that even I, myself, can't answer. Maybe I was really an idiot, now it hurts me seeing my man look at the woman the way he look at me before.

It's painful but I need to accept it, it's the only choice. It was my fault, I was to blame, if only I took care of him from the beginning, she wouldn't have been touching my man.

It was my mistake for being too confident that he will stay by my side even after everything, but can I blame him for not choosing me? Can I blame him when he chose someone whom he thinks will be the best?

I look at him with my teary eyes, I whispered goodbye before turning away from him, away from his peaceful life.

I walk to a new life where he was nowhere. He, whom I love with my whole life.

From now on, I will be just his past and will never be his present.

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