"Hold up pause and rewind walk pass me again." She walk passed and that did it.

"So you wore this out there in public? Where everybody could see." The skirt barely and I mean BARELY covered her ass. If she was to bend over all her well my goodies would've been shown. Then this buttoned up shirt wasn't even buttoned.

"Bend over, now." She bent over ain even had underwear one this nigga could've fucked her with no problem.

"This nigga made you wet !? Really?" I jacked her up against the wall.

"Did he touch you?"


"Did you touch him?"


"What he said to you and I want the EXACT words."

"He asked me did I need help with my groceries bringing them in here and that I was extremely beautiful."

"Hell I tell you that everyday you ain never get wet fa me."

"Why are we even discussing this."

"Cause you just— look at you man. You gave him too much to look at and whatever he said to you got you soaked up.

"You got me soaked up with your aggressiveness now can you please let me go. My feet aren't even touching the ground, seriously Janet it's starting to hurt."

"Mo— mommy!"

"No no Taiden baby I'm ok, she just helping me stretch." I turned around seeing hold a small pot ready throw it at me.

"Momma put her down."

"Alright." I put her down as she caught her breath and he ran to her hugging her tightly.

"Mommy you ok?"

"I'm fine sweetheart just give me and you momma a minute ok."

"Mommy what if she hurts you?" Damn. I didn't even think he would see it as that.

"I'll be fine I promise." His eyes started to well with tears, did him seeing that scare him that much. He wouldn't let her go, I tried to go to him but he backed up.

"Taiden I—."

"Uh Uh." He ran outside.

"Janet ion too much care about me but my son, he saw what he wasn't suppose to."

"Toni I'm sorry."

"Don't apologize to me, apologize to him."

"Can I ask did you—."

"It's out of order for the moment, why would you even Think I would Janet?"

"Ion know Toni it's just that his eyes, your body. Oh man I'm sorry Toni."

"You don't trust me wow."

"I do it's him I don't trust."

"I know how to handle myself ok. You know this for a fact, there was no need to question me." She was absolutely right.

"I know."

"Come here." She pulled me in to give me a hug.

"I love you."

"I love you too, just stop letting your jealousy get to you."

"Stop giving me reasons to be jealous."

"I'll try to dress more conservative, sounds good?"she pecked my lips



"You said it was out of order can't be from what I just witnessed."

"I sold it for a penny." We couldn't do nothing but laugh

"Toni please."

"Uh Uh, remember you didn't talk to me for a week."

"Man it took me just about 4 days to get Th e feelings back in my legs and you talking about Ian talk to you." I pick her up wrapping her legs around me as I laid her on the counter top.

"Is that my fault?"


"No, Toni wasn't there that night."

"Oh do not try to pull my shit on me, Toni was there and it was Toni who did what she did."

"See that, that was Michele. Toni don't know a damn thing."

"Alright ima let you keep thinking that, just know when strawberry comes back out you better be ready."

"I hear you."

"You better, now change before this little fit right here get you into some trouble." I smack her ass then squeezed it before she went upstairs. I went outside to see Taiden laying on poppy.

"Hey poppy." He growled at me.

"Oohkay, mind if I sit here?" I asked Taiden as he shifted allowing me to sit.

"You hurt mommy."

"I didn't mean too, I'm sorry you seen it as that. I didn't realize what I was doing."

"You promised you would never hurt her but you did. Momma why?"

"I was angry and I took it out on her the wrong way."

"It wasn't right, you scared me."

"I'm sorry baby boy."

"Did you apologize to her?"

"I did, now I'm apologizing to you. That shouldn't have happened and I promise it'll never happen again."

"You promise."

"I promise."

"I forgive you." He hugged me.

"I love you Tai, I wouldn't do anything to hurt you or mommy."

"I know. I love you too, now can you go cook I'm hungry."

"Just like yo momma."

"Mhm yup."

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