new college

Dennise POV

i heard a strange noise. a noise that came from a boy, but i can't see who it is.

"Dennise! i-i love you, i'm sorry, goodbye. i'll definitely miss y—"

then i woke up, hearing my phone going off.

"ughh... it's still early in the morning. who would've texted me in this fuckin' hour." i mumbled to myself.

i checked my phone and saw that it was from a online shop because i ordered something.

******* Online Shop

Good day! This is ******* Online Shop. We would like to inform you that your parcel will be delivered to you by 11:30am. Thank you very much!


K. Thanks for the reminder.

i checked the time and saw that it's still 9:33am. ugh still early. i'mma go to sleep.

i set the alarm to 11:00am and go back to sleep.

beep beep, beep beep

ugh. what the fuck now? i woke up and pressed my alarm to snooze for 15 minutes then i slept again.

beep beep, beep beep

ugh. again!? i pressed my alarm to snooze again for another 15 minutes and then laid on my bed to go back to sleep.

knock, knock, knock

ugh what again!? i checked my phone to see the time and saw that it's already 11:29 and then it immediately changed to 11:30, then my alarm rang loudly with the knockings to continue.

knock, knock, knock

oh fuck! i forgot. i put on my slippers and made my way towards the door.

i opened the door and there i saw a man, holding up a box against his chest.

"oh! good morning, sir." i greeted politely.

"ah. good morning. i'm here for Miss Princess Dennise Kim?" replied the elder with a smile.

"i am Dennise." i stated, still politely. 

after the transaction, i made my way towards the kitchen and made myself a bowl of cereal. after i'm done eating, i woke my mum up.

"mum.. mum.." i whined in her ear.

"what is it baby?" she tiredly asked.

"it's time to wake up! you'll have to send me to my school." i tried to explain. it's okay to be late though. 'cause it's still the enrollment.

"yeah, okay." my mum finally stood up and stretched. "does your things already packed up?"

"yes, mum!"

"okay then. shower now. i'll go take a shower on our room." she commanded.

"yeah, yeah. and oh! when's dad goin' home?"

"maybe tonight. he's still busy with the pile of paper works that he had to do that his secretary forgot to do, since your dad accompanied us on our vacation on Haleakala National Park and Hanauma Bay." my mom replied.

"omg, i'm sure dad's secretary will recieve an  earful from dad." i sighed, "poor Mr. Lucas."

"oh no. hihihi." --my mom.

"okay. gonna take a shower now!" i said as i walked back up to my room and cleansed myself.

when i'm done showering, i grabbed my clothes and wore them. i wear a simple gray sweater, a black ripped jeans and a pair of black combat boots.

me and my mom got into my car and i asked my driver, "Sir Oliver, let's go."           

we finally arrived in the school and we came in.                                                                                                    we unexpectedly encountered some teachers and since my mom and me doesn't know the way to the office, we decided to just a random teachers regarding to it.

"ah, good morning ma'am," my mom greeted with a smiling face. "may i ask you something?"

"sure madam. what is it?" the teacher replied. "do you, maybe, know the way to the office?" my mom asked.

"oh, if you want, i could just escort you..?"

"sure, thank you!" my mom thanked.         

"good morning! are you Mrs. Kim?" the registrar asked.

"ah yes," my mom trailed off, "this is my daughter, Princess Dennise." my mom said as she introduced me.

"good morning ma'am..?"

"Amelia Miller, you can just call me Ms. Amelia." the registrar smiled. "aren't you a beautiful one? and let's also not forget, you're one of the top students on your last school."

"t-thank you." i replied shyly.                                                                 
"ah, how do my daughter take the test? i think you emailed us the day before and from what i remember, it was stated in there that we could just come in your office and then you'll just instruct us regarding the matter."

"oh, you could just sit here madam and you'll have to wait for at least 1 hour and 45 minutes for your daughter to take the test. her test consist of seven subjects that is connected to her major. and since that you already stated that she'll be majoring in Business Management, the subjects are Principles of Management, Accounting I and II, Business Communication, Basic Microeconomics, Total Quality Management, Human Resource Management and Social Responsibility and Good Governance." she explained

[The subjects and the major I stated are real. I did a study on them (even though I am still a high school student lol) just for this story.            And the reason why I picked Business Management as Dennise's major is because her family are filthy rich and already have a business and she'll be overtaking on their business when her father got retired.]

"thank you, Ma'am Amelia."                 

i finally finished taking the test and let me tell you something, it was soeffing easy. I'm sure I aced the test, even though I didn't reviewed for this test.

maybe you thought i'm using sarcasm or i'm exagerating, but no. i'm serious as a bitch.               
"mom! the test is so easy, you don't even know." i squeeled.

"i knew you'll be our intelligent baby girl. let's go home now?" my mom asked.

"sure, but let me say thank you to the registrar that assisted us."                         

"thank you Ms. Amelia." i thanked and smiled gratefully.

"oh, it's no problem. i hope i can see you around here next week!"

"i promise i'll come to you first once the results comes out!"

"tell your mom that we'll be emailing her regarding your results. thank you and be safe." she said as she waved goodbye.

"you're welcome! we'll be waiting for the results any time. oh! and be safe also!" i replied as i also waved goodbye.               


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⏰ Last updated: Aug 10, 2020 ⏰

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