138-you guys go to school together

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noah ;
-the schools favourite couple
-having all your classes together
-slipping notes to each other
-preparing for exams together 

finn ;
-going to formals together (basically australian prom)
-him walking you to classes 
-not having any classes together but sitting together at lunch
-skipping together oops

millie ;
-at first it was very downlow
-but someone outed you guys, but jokes on them, everyone was so supportive and loving
-only having a few classes together, but they're your favourite ones
-even teachers shipping you

sadie ;
-only a few people know about your relationship
-secret handholding under the table
-everyone just thinking you're really close besties
-which you basically are anyways lol

gaten ;
-having drama class with him
-him helping you with your homework
-everyone shipping you
-always walks you to class

caleb ;
-being in the same friendship group and everyone shipping you guys
-if some guy tries hitting on u he get protecc
-standing up for each other against dickheads
-helping each other with homework
(get u a man like caleb) 

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