68- them as girls in my netball team

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not going to use their real names i'll just make some up that are similar for privacy :)

noah ;
really kind and sweet
honestly such an amazing person 
will fight someone if they're mean to someone they love

finn ;
this bitch 
she is the funniest person
she always has hilarious stories to tell
really good at team work 

millie ;
miss versatile
honestly such an amazing person 
trying to make the world a better place, bit by bit 
is very adaptable and flexible 

sadie ;
shy, sweet and honestly so kind
really funny
can make anyone and everyone smile 
tries her hardest in everything

gaten ;
will roast you, but as a joke
honestly the class clown of the team but we love it
lightens up every situation
so encouraging

caleb ;
really athletic
funny as fuck
so kind and always tries so make everyone happy
an amazing leader and a really good team worker

a/n: as you can tell i love my team very much. they are the best group of friends i could ever ask for (not that i don't love my school friends! if you're reading this i love you guys!). i have made life long friends there. we are doing amazing this season and i don't want it to end. ever.
anyway, stay hydrated, eat something if you haven't, there is always light at the end of every tunnel 
i am always here if you ever need someone to talk to, just message me, 
love you all
~lillie 💕

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