Chapter 2 - Steve

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What in the world did the Reverend want and why was he to bring the wagon? Steve had asked himself that more than a dozen times since he had gotten the message. He had been working on the corral that needed widening when the rider had brought him the envelope.

Come into town and bring your wagon. Important business. Dress nice.

"Dress nice," Steve grumbled. He had washed his face and hands, and put on a clean shirt. Other than that, the Reverend would get him as he was. Steve didn't have time for tomfoolery.

What was the wily old man up to? The Reverend had been acting strange for weeks now, ever since Steve got the house finished in late spring. He had been living in a small shack for the last two years as he worked to build up his stock. Now, not only did he have the new house, he had finished a small bunkhouse built in the top of the barely-two-month-old barn. His four hired hands had been glad to have a solid roof over their heads.

He had worked hard to save up the money and turn the ranch into a real homestead. It had been his dream, along with his father's, but Dad had passed away the year before. Steve reminisced over the past five years. They had moved from Connecticut and obtained a small parcel of land. For three years, they kept buying the acreage surrounding them as other ranchers gave up or couldn't make it in the rough winters. The ranch had grown into one of the largest in the territory. It had been more manageable with the two men. Now he was running it alone.

As he got to the edge of town, Steve pulled on the reins and slowed the team down. He turned onto the side street where the church sat and was there within minutes. Once the wagon and horses were tethered to the post in front of the church, he made his way up the walk.

Before he could knock on the door, it opened. The Reverend stepped out and shook Steve's hand. A wide smile spread across the man's face though it seemed a little shaky. "Good to see you, Steve. How are you doing?"

Steve shook the hand in return and stared at the man with a frown. "I'm fine. As fine as I was yesterday when I was in town."

"Yes, Yes. I guess you are." Sweat beaded on the older man's forehead.

"Just what is this all about, Reverend?" Suspicion crowded Steve's thoughts.

"Ah, yes. Ahem. Steve," the minister said as he clamped his hand on Steve's shoulder, "you've got a nice spread. Got the start on a fine house. It's nearly a perfect picture."

Steve narrowed his eyes. "Nearly perfect. And what do you mean by that?"

"Well, ah. Come on inside." The Reverend opened the door and pulled Steve in.

Steve pulled his hat off and looked around the empty room, still confused as to why he had been summoned. He watched as the other man stood awkwardly by the closed door. Steve started to ask again why he had been summoned when the other door that led to the bedroom opened up. Out stepped the Reverend's housekeeper, Mrs. Moore, and...

He froze. A beauty stepped out, dressed in a light green dress that reflected her striking green eyes. He looked down at her slight frame. Who was she? Why were they all are smiling at him?

"Steve, this is Miss Janice Green."

He frowned and looked over at the Reverend before remembering his manners and nodding his head to the fetching woman. "How do you do?"

The woman smiled back in reply.

"Why did you need me?" Steve asked the minister. He didn't fail to notice the smile falter on the woman's face.

"Well, Steve, as I said, the ranch is nearly perfect. Miss Green just arrived from Kentucky."

Clarity settled on Steve. His eyes narrowed at the other man. "You didn't!" His words came out sharp. "Tell me you didn't!"

Reverend Bailey blinked and threw a reassuring smile toward the young woman. "Well, yes, I did."

"How could you?" Steve demanded. Anger seethed within him.

The Reverend took his arm and pulled him toward the door. Steve started to protest, but he saw the shocked look on the woman's face. Maybe they had better take it outside.

Once outside, Steve turned on the older man. "Why did you send off for a wife? I never approved this. Is she in on it?"

Shaking his head, Reverend Bailey sighed. "No, do not be angry with her. She thought she came out here at your invitation."

"My invitation?" Steve shook his head. Then he leaned forward with a frown. "Did you write her in my name?"

A flush rose on the minister's face. "Well, you did not seem in favor of doing it yourself."

"Of course not!" Steve nearly shouted before lowering his voice again. "You had no right, and you a man of the cloth."

"Well...uh...." The minister ran a hand over his head. "Steve, listen to reason."

Steve shook his head. "No, you listen. Without my knowledge and without my permission, you contacted a young woman and brought her all the way out here, out of her element. That is not reasonable."

"I know. I know! That is inexcusable, and I will be apologizing more times than I can possibly count. But think of what all this could solve now." The minister didn't wait even a moment to see if Steve would let him continue. "You have a good homestead with a new house on it, but only have yourself and four hands to maintain it. There is a young lady here looking for a future in a land after a hard war. She needs a home, and you need a wife." Reverend Bailey raised a hand to quiet the man's protest. "Yes, you do. Build a solid homestead. Create a little empire in the new lands. There is finally a proper woman available for you. All the women in town are either too old, married, or...well, not... proper... as a wife for you. The same is in all the neighboring towns. Give it a chance."

Without a pause, Steve replied, "No. Send her back." He turned to go but paused at the minister's next words.

"Back to where? She has no family. The war tore them all apart. She used the last of her money to come out here with hopes of a bright future. Take her home. Give her a chance for that future."

"Take her home? Talk about improper."

"As your wife." The minister's face grew firm as he stared at the young man. "Don't humiliate her in the eyes of the town. Keep her respectable. I'm not saying you have to whisk her off straight into your bed."

Steve blinked and pulled back at the blunt words. He felt his own blush tinge his cheeks.

"Give her a name and a home." Before the young man could comment, the minister patted his arm. "Let me go in and explain things to her and then we can have this wedding."

The older man disappeared back into the house, leaving the bewildered younger man on the porch. Steve leaned against the post that held the roof up. What a predicament he was in. Now he had to decide what to do next.

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