Chapter Thirty Seven: The Start of it All!

Start from the beginning

"Rick..." I catch him as he goes to walk with them.

"It's okay." He says again and leaves with them. I look to Michonne the same worry reflects in her eyes. At that moment we are pushed to a spot in the junkyard to wait.

"Where are they taking him?" Michonne asks and someone points up onto a dump pile, we watch as the leader, Rick and two others are seen climbing to the top. I can tell they are talking when Rick nods. I can't hear a word being said but I call out when I see the leader push Rick down somewhere.

"Rick!" I yell. "RICK!"

"What did you do?" Michonne calls to the leader. I follow her when she goes runs to a heap junk. We all look in pipes trying to find him.

"Rick!" Michonne calls.

"Brother!" I yell as I see him standing up.

"I'm all right." He says looking I guess at Michonne then to me. He trips on something and I hear the growls as I am guessing a walker is going after him.

"Rick!" I yell when I see it pass where I am looking. I can hear him yelling when in pain every time he tries to kill this thing that has spikes on him.

"The walls! Use them!" I hear Michonne call to him.

Rick pulls the junk onto the walker and uses something to kill it. I sigh in relief as I see him stand unharmed for the most part.

"You believe us now?" Rick yells. "Just tell us what you want and we'll get it."

Rick talks for her a while, I sigh in relief when finally he comes around the bend.

"We have a deal!" He announces as Michonne and I run to help him.

4 days Rick and Michonne were out looking for guns. In those days I kept myself busy by getting caught up with the people of Alexandria taking care of small colds and injuries making sure everyone took their vitamins hopefully so that they were all healthy to fight when the time came. I didn't want to think much, I missed my anchor, I missed Daryl. With Daryl gone I had to fight more every time the stones in my heart churned, I had shattered once, I missed my friends and I mourned them deeply, but I had to keep my wits about me if I was going to fight in this war. Rick and Michonne found 63 guns but the junkyard people still wanted more, it was frustrating. I didn't know where we were going to find more guns. I went out once with a couple of people to try and find more guns for the war but only found a 9mm SIG with 6 rounds. I was glad that I now had a gun but was even happier when I came across more throwing knives similar to the ones I had before. I found them scavaging in a SportsCenter that was already ransacked they were one of the only things left behind. Thankfully Tara told us of a place called Oceanside, she knew had more people and guns.

We met up then with Daryl and some people from Hilltop to go to the Oceanside. The ocean was beautiful, it was weird that this was my first time seeing it. I couldn't help but imagine what it would have been like if it was the old times. Rick, Lori, Carl, Shane and I had once wanted to visit the ocean, we had talked about going many times for the summer, but never got to it. I jump when I feel someone's hand on my shoulder.

"You okay?" Daryl asks when I jump.

"Yeah, just thinking about the old times..." I sigh.

"Hmm..." He looks out to the ocean as well.

"This is my first time to the ocean, Rick and I used to talk and plan to visit for the summer, but we never did... "


"I don't know," I say, turning when Rick calls us to him, I take Daryl's hand as we walk, I was happy to have him with me again. We get to Oceanside and come up with a plan to take over, I didn't want to do this or be here, but I came in case anyone got hurt.

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