The Mystery Man

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He looked into the computer screen which glowed with a strange eerie glow in the dark. His eyes danced between the two sides of the computer screen, his attention totally grasped by the document opened up on his computer screen. As he motioned to move the mouse to reveal the lower part of the document, his eyes were struck by the bright yellow color of the candle that silently burned in the background.

He was not a common guy. Anyone who had been acquainted with him for even a while could say that.

Now as he turned his attention back to his document on the computer screen, he felt some sort of weariness gripping him. With a slight motion of the mouse, he closed the document, and heaved himself from his chair. He spread out  his arms to look out for any object in his pathway. He strode slowly into the other room, and then , finding the switch board behind the door, he switched on the lights. 

He looked at the massive table that lay on the other end of the room. His gaze shifted from one of the table to other, until he finally lifted up his legs to move towards it. 

The table was an 18th century antique, both expensive and heavy. On the center of the table laid an ink pot with several quilts surrounding it . To the left of the ink pot, lay some sheets of unused paper. 

He pointed his hand towards the quilts, and with a slight jerk in one of his fingers, picked up one of the quilts, and dipped it in the ink pot. Then, using his other hand, he picked up a sheet of paper, and bolted it on the table. He lifted the quilt out of the ink pot, and then brought it upon the sheet of paper.

Now, with slow but steady movements of  his arm, he drew several characters and alphabets. After he finished writing on the paper, he placed the quilt back on the table, and folded the sheet of paper and stashed it off in his pocket. Then, he exited the room, and headed for his bedroom.

As he moved along the corridor of his house, he could hear some strange noise coming from his bedroom. 

The sound of the closing of the door - the sound of someone stepping up on  his bed - the sound of someone dropping garments. 

He became alert, and quickly motioned towards his room, to find out the reason for the commotion. 

Inch by Inch, as he drew himself closer to the room, he became more and more alert. At last, feeling a sudden urge of braveness, and courage, he heaved open the door of his bedroom.

To his utter amazement/ shock, he found.....................



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⏰ Last updated: Dec 18, 2010 ⏰

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