"What's wrong?" He asks and I shake my head. "Nothing.. I have a yoga class booked soon.." I say, grabbing myself a bottle of water from the fridge before going in to see his family. I say hello to them and share hugs then I sit on the arm of the chair by Jamie.

I'm quiet and I only really talk when I'm spoken too. Jamie leaves his hand on my knee as he cuddles Charlotte, watching as she slowly falls to sleep. "Dakota, do you want a coffee?" Sam asks me, smiling slightly at me. I shake my head.

"No thanks.. I actually have my yoga class.. so I better go get ready" I smile, rubbing Jamie's shoulder as I stand. I feel all eyes on me as I leave the room and head upstairs. Whilst I'm changing into my gym leggings, Someone knocks on the bedroom door. "Come in" I say and Jamie opens the door.

I grab my sports bra and slide it over my head and then reach for my baggy Rolling Stones shirt and throw that on. "I'm sorry, If I was a bit rude" I frown, sitting on the bed to put my trainers on.

"Are you okay? You've hardly spoke to me, touched me.. even kissed me, since I got back?" He frowns and my heart breaks. I look down, tears forming. "I'm just not feeling great. I'm exhausted, I just feel so down and sad" I whisper and he sits beside me, placing his hand on my back and gently stroking it.

"Baby.. I'm sorry" he kisses my forehead and I shake my head. "I just feel like I need a break" I sniffle up, wiping my cheeks as tears fall. I really wish I knew what was actually wrong.

"Go and have some you time, I'll make sure my family are gone before you get back and you can relax okay baby?" He kisses my head and I nod, leaning into him, wiping my eyes. "Thank you.. tell your family I'm sorry.." I say, looking to him as he stands.

"Don't be silly, you don't need to apologise... I'll see you later?" He asks, watching me carefully as I stand. "Yeah.. I'm so sorry" I whisper, kissing him softly before we head downstairs and I grab my phone before leaving.


After my yoga class I head to get myself a iced coffee from Starbucks. As i climb back into my car I contemplate phoning Addison to see if she's free. I'm not ready to face Jamie yet. I well up as I put my seatbelt on, texting Addison.

'Are you free? Could use a chat x'

I go to put my phone down but it rings. Jamie's name flashes on the screen. I answer after the fifth ring. "Hello?" I say quietly. "Hey.. I just wanted to check you was okay" he says softly. "I'm okay.. I was just going to see if I can see Addison for a little bit.." I say and I hear him sigh.

"When will you be home?" He asks. "I'm not sure" I whisper. "Baby I'm worried about you.." he sighs and I frown. "I'm worried too Jamie" my voice is hoarse "we can talk.. when you get home okay?.. I've got you" he says softly and tears begin to fall.

"I'm sorry.. I love you" I whisper, sniffling up as I wipe my cheeks. "I love you so much." He sighs and we both end the call. I see that Addison has messaged me back saying I can pop round, so I drive to hers.

She hugs me when I walk in, she must be able to tell I've been crying. I hug her back tightly. "What's going on?" She frowns, holding me at arms length to examine me. "I wish I knew" I well up, shrugging slightly.

She takes me to the lounge and we sit. "Talk to me.. Jamie phoned me saying he's worried about you" she takes my hand. My heart melts at how sweet Jamie is. "I just feel rubbish. It started when Jamie went to Ireland.. Charlotte never settles, I feel like she's only like that with me.." I well up, fiddling with my fingers.

"I'm a bad mommy and she can sense it.. I don't think she likes me, all she does is whine and I never seem to know how to calm her down" I sob and Addison frowns, pulling me into her arm. "I should know what's wrong with her but I don't. I'm so stupid" I put my head in my hands and she gently rubs my upper arm.

Damie (Dakota Johnson & Jamie Dornan) - You're The One...حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن