"The dinner starts at seven."

"Then what time is it if you're so wise, Lady Anna?"

"Lady Angelica, I must correct you I am a duchess. I am Duchess Anna Deucht. Not a lady such as yourself."

"How dare you!?"

"Lady Angelica. There is another royal I must speak with."

"What time is it?"

"Where is my husband?"

"Watch your step!"


"Don't step on my foot!"

"I want to dance with the king."

"Her dress is so out of fashion."

"Where is the king?"

"Can someone tell me when the king will get here?"

"Where are you from?"

"Here for the king?"

"Pity, I'm looking for a wife."

"Can someone bring me a goblet of wine?"

"My daughter is so unreasonable."

"Where is my nephew!?"

"Why hasn't the king gotten here yet?"

"Look at her dress!"

"I need to know the name of her dressmaker."

"Where is my wine!?"

"My husband hates me!"

"My wife can't have a son!"

When the king enters the room he takes his seat at the head of the table and all of the servants begin to place name cards at all of the seats around the table. When they are finished, servants begin to find people and bring them to their seats. A few lords call out to other lords or their wives telling them where their name card has been placed. When everyone is seated, gossip and conversation begins to flow around the table. "Did you hear? His Majesty talked to the girl in purple..."

"Which one?"

"The one next to Princesa Lucia de Leon."


"He talked to her for the longest out of all the contestants."

"Wasn't she wearing a circlet and a silver dress earlier?"


"Look at her, she's just a lady. She's probably trying to gain status."

"Look at the woman of the right of the king."

"She's wearing yellow."

"Horrible color with her pale skin."

"I cannot believe that the lords are flirting with the other contestants."

"My husband has been keeping a mistress!"

"You never knew?"


"I guess I shouldn't be surprised. The wife is always the last to know."

"I heard one contestant will be going back home tonight."


"If this really is a competition, we need to get rid of the lowlife here."

The servants bring out bowls and large silver bowls filled with soup. Another set of servants bring out pitchers of wine. They begin to refill our goblets, starting with King Edward. The group of servants that brought out the soup bowls begin to ladle soup into our bowls. I look down the table and see the Dauphine Isabel sitting next to the king. After the king takes a bite of soup the rest of us begin to eat.

The Second Queenजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें