Can I Have a Cup of Sugar?

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Anna, Leah, Ofelia, and Adelina were walking back towards the cabin on a cold snowy evening. “It’s so cold,” Adi said as they stepped through the door.

“Tell me about it,” Leah said. She walked to her room and pulled out some more clothes to put on. She quickly drank a cup of hot chocolate and stepped out of the cabin only to see the endless array of snow again. She felt the cold breeze and pulled her coat tighter. She had never seen a ground so white before. In winter at home they would be lucky for at least a flurry of snow.

Almost immediately after Leah left, there was a knock on the door. Anna let Ofelia answer it. She was too cold to open the door. Then she heard his voice. “Hey, Ofelia, is Anna here?” Chris’ voice rang through the cabin.

“Uh, yeah,” she said. “I’ll go get her.”

Anna ran to the door just before Ofelia turned around. “Thanks, Ofelia.” She smiled up at Chris and walked outside, closing the door behind her. “You really have to stop showing up randomly. I think they’re getting suspicious.”

“Suspicious of what?” Chris asked.

“Of us,” Anna replied.

“And what’s wrong with us?” Chris asked as he gently stroked her cheek.

“Well, nothing, but you never know. We might get in trouble if someone found out…”

He knew immediately who she meant. “Annie, he can’t do anything to us. We can still choose who we want to be with.”

“I know, Chris, but if he ever does do something… I don’t think I’d be able to handle it.”

He leaned down and lightly kissed her lips. “Fine, Annie. If it makes you feel better, then I’ll actually start making up reasons to come here.” He kissed her once more. “I need a cup of sugar. Do you think you can get me some?” He said seductively.

“Ugh, you’re impossible,” she said while smiling.

“But that’s why you like me.” He smiled once more and kissed her forehead.

She rolled her eyes and opened the door. “Adi, can you come here please?” Adelina quickly appeared at the door. “Can you do me a huge favor?” She nodded. “Okay, can you get me a cup of sugar? Please? Don’t tell Ofelia what it’s for. Just bring it to me.” Adelina smiled and went back inside.

“What was that all about? I was kidding about the sugar. It’s not like I’m going to use it,” Chris said.

Anna smiled. “Oh yes you are.”

“Annie…, tell me.”

“We’re going to use the sugar. You and I... Hmmm, I think we’ll make German Chocolate Cake.” She looked into his eyes. “How does that sound?”

He smiled wickedly. “Perfect.”

Adelina opened the door. “Here, Anna. What should I tell her if she asks where you went?”

Anna racked her mind for an excuse. “Uh...”

“Tell her that Marcus needs Anna to help him surprise Leah... But that’s only if she asks. Okay?”

Adelina looked up at Chris. She was clearly taken back by his green eyes searching hers. “Okay, Chris.” She looked back at Anna. “Have fun, and don’t get in trouble. Please.”

Anna nodded. “I won’t, Adi. Promise.”

The door closed and Chris took Anna’s hand, pulling her closer. “Now where were we?” He leaned down and kissed her once more.

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