"What the heck happened in here?!" The teenage porcupine exclaimed in shock.

"Oh my gosh..." The mother pig covering her mouth with her partner, Gunter stays silent and his jaw still hanging.

"It's nothing guys, some ropes got loose and caused the lights to fall while Mike was practicing. Who is okay and in another room currently..." Jamie reassured simply, placing the fire extinguisher down and walks over to the animal group.

"Well, are you guys alright?" Johnny asks with concern, eyes mostly focused on his human friend.

Miss Crawly nods "Nothing to worry about, deary, we're okay." moving the broom across the stage to cleanse it from all the dust and rumble. Meena gave a thumbs up and got a trash bag, using her trunk to carefully lift debris, broken planks and lights inside. Jamie mentioned Pete being leaving the competition due to medical reasons, which brought a bit of sadness in all of them. "You guys should continue rehearsing, we'll handle this."

"Are you sure?" Rosita frowned with her hands together.

"Yes, we're good." She encouraged with a wave of her hand. Meena nodding slowly with a soft smile. "It's okay, don't worry."

"She's right, go back to your rooms everyone." Miss Crawly comfortingly as the group share a look together in hesitance but ultimately return to their places. "Johnny, I'll be right up there to continue our piano lessons in a bit." The elderly iguana smiled and continued sweeping the floor. Earning a small nod from the young gorilla, who shared a quick glance with the human girl before following the others.

Then her ears heard the amphibian trio's distant shouting and fuming as they head for the door, leaving with anger. Glancing at Meena and Miss Crawly having the same looks of confusion and worry written on their faces.

Buster returned with a heavy sigh "All right, we're two acts down. Give me some good news, Miss Crawly!" walking up to the stage. Welp, that answers her question about the situation between Howie, Kai, and Ricky.

The elderly reptilian held a bucket "Oh, it's not as bad as it looks-" then the wooden plank she stood on broke with a snap, Mrs. Crawly being stuck. "Oopsie-daisy..." She giggled nervously.

Jamie walks over to the iguana and tries to lift her out, hands holding her scaly arms.

Buster took a deep breath to maintain his posture and turns to the teenage elephant. "Meena, how would you like to re-audition for the show?"

A smile went across her face. "Really?! Well, yeah..."

The koala beamed "Great!" assisting the young human in pulling Mrs. Crawly out.

"I mean, no!" Meena interjected with a frown.

Buster stopped at her in confusion. "What?" Her human friend glancing every now and then at the situation.

"I mean, yes, I can sing. But, no, I get so nervous and I can't do it. I mean, I would totally do it, but..." Meena stammers anxiously. "No, I... No."

Buster stared at her. "I'm gonna take that as a maybe."

Then, there were giggles heard as the Q-Teez ran inside to rehearse.

"Oh great! Look, they're back! We're gonna come back to this, Meena." Moon placed a pin on their conversation to request the red pandas to join since two acts have left.

As he left, Jamie continued getting Miss Crawly out as the young elephant helped and they managed to get her out. Afterwards, the female iguana leaving them to begin her first piano session with Johnny. Jamie shook her head up at her animal friend. "You should accept the offer, I mean the stage hand thing is pretty good. But I know that you want to be up here than over there."

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