Chapter 40: The fall of beacon

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Just a heads up, whenever Grimm Y/n talks it sounds demonic.

And Zane's weapon is called calamity, it can transform into any melee weapon you can think of. He also unlocks a special semblance in the future.

Now on with the story


(Y/N): Well I'm going to-

Qrow: Hey there you are kid. I was starting to get worried from all the noise I heard.

(Y/N): What do you want?

Qrow: I'm here to take you back to beacon, Ozpin wants to have a talk with you about what happened in the tunnels.

(Y/N): Your kidding right? You think I'm just going to go back there? I do recall him saying I'm not part of that school anymore when he handed me over to Ironwood.

Qrow: *sigh* Look Y/n, I understand why you don't trust Ozpin after what he did. But trust me when I say that he never planned on leaving you there-

Qrow was interrupted by his scroll going off.

Zane: What's that?

Qrow: Damn it! An army of grimm and the white fang are attacking beacon, please Y/n we need all the help we can get.

(Y/N): Alright fine, but I'm only doing this to help my friends. Come on Zane!

With that they head towards beacon while talking along the way.


The grimm pool

Grimm(Y/N): Graahh!

Grimm y/n erupts out of the grimm pool which makes the grimm run off

Grimm(Y/N): Ulgh! That was discusting! Wait, what happened to my voice?!

Grimm Y/n looks down at his arms and legs and realizes that he looks just like a grimm only humanoid.

Grimm(Y/N): I'm.. A Grimm? How is this possible? Did that lake do this to me? 

Grimm y/n noticed that there were hundreds of grimm walking around him.

Grimm(Y/N): I'll use these grimm to test out any new abilities.


Grimm y/n is sitting on a rock looking apon the broken landscape he made when he slautered the grimm 

Grimm(Y/N): Huh, not that much has changed. But why didn't those grimm attack? I kinda feel bad for them

Grimm y/n gets up and starts to walk across the land to look for a way out.


The battle of beacon

Y/n, Zane and Qrow arrive at beacon and see grimm everywhere. 

Qrow: oh man, look at all this mess.

Y/n notices Blake and Weiss talking to yang on blake's scroll then hang up.

Weiss: Blake what are we going to do?

Blake: We're going to the docks and we're doing our job.

(Y/N): Well if your going then I'm going with you

Weiss: Y/n! You are alive!

Blake: What happened to you?

Qrow: Look you guys can fill each other in later. Right now we have a job to do.

From Another World (PowerfulM!Reader x RWBY) Continuation(Discontinued)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant