Chapter 39: Mysterious Encounter

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y/n looks behind him and notices Tyrian and Hazel running after him.

(Y/N): Oh come on! Give me a break already!

Tyrian: Yes! Keep running! It makes the chase so much more thrilling!

Go ahead and play this.

Then a figure wearing robes popped out from behind a tree and slugs Tyrian in the face with a metal gauntlet sending him flying back past hazel who looked surprised at what just happened, when he turns back to the attacker he sees a cylinder 6 inches from his face that releases steam and burns his face

Hazel: Gahhh!

(Y/N) wait... Screaming?

Y/n turns around and sees a man covered in robes pull out a short black pole and jabs it on hazel's stomach and turns the grip on the staff extending it's length which sends hazel flying back, after that Tyrian got up and went to attack the man.

Tyrian: Your going to pay for that!

The man in robes blocked his attack, kicked him in the ribs, and again punched him in the face which knocked him on ground, then kicked Tyrian between the legs as hard as he can with his metal boot.

Tyrian: 0_0

(Y/N): Q_Q ...ouch

???: Come on mr hero let's go before they recover!

(Y/N) Wait, I don't even know who you are.

???: I'm a friend from the last world you were in. Princess lumara sent me.

(Y/N) What?

Zane: The name is Zane. I'm here to return something to you and possibly aid you if need be, but before I can we need to get out of this area.

(Y/N): Okay, lets go then. Maybe my luck is finally starting to turn around.


(Y/N): Ok I think we lost them, I'm just gonna sit down now.

Zane: Good, here* puts a bag next to Y/n *I'm sure you missed them.

(Y/N): Them? Wait are these-?* opens bag * YES!! My gloves! I never thought I would never see these again!

Zane: Your welcome, and I was starting to think getting those back wasn't worth it.* chuckle * Speaking of which, I wonder if that Salem lady found the note I left yet.

(Y/N): Huh? Q_Q


Salem's Castle

Salem: Hm, what's this?* picks up note that was under the display case *

" Dear ms. salad, For your bad behavior to "the hero from another world" I have taken these gloves and replaced them with fakes. You should be ashamed of yourself even though I know your not. But anyway have fun choking on the stink bombs I've planted in your home, they should activate by the time you find this note. and also, IN YOUR FACE! This note was written by: The one you will hate "

Salam: *twitch*



Zane: Oh yeah I placed stink bombs all over that salem lady's castle and set them to blow if anyone picked up the display case your gloves were in while replacing your gloves with a pair of fake ones.

(Y/N): Wow, I wish I could see the look on her face.

Zane: Me too mr hero me too- oh and about your wounds that are patched up* pulls out a healing potion * here this will help speed up the healing.

(Y/N): Thanks zane how did you manage to find me? 

Zane: Oh I followed this tan woman that was taking you to her village, and I ran into some other guy called Qrow that was looking for you but he left the tribe for some reason.

(Y/N): Oh...

Zane: Now it's my turn, how did you manage to escape from that tribe? I imagine that they would have you shackled down.

(Y/N): Well...

Flashback from another world 

Mage: Oh your back, did you-

(Y/N): Yes I defeated the titan, can I go home?

Mage: Oh of course, I'll go get the spell book. Feel free to look around while I get it.

While the mage goes in the back, Y/n grabs the book the the mage was working on and starts reading it.

(Y/N): Huh she must have just started working on it. There's only one spell in here " Tricks on how to escape cages and shackles part 1 " hey this might come in handy later.

While y/n was reading a circle appeared around him.

(Y/N):Oh no! Not again!

Y/n gets transported to another world again with the book he was reading



Present time

(Y/N): Lets just say I learned from a mage in the past.

Zane: Alright but we should get moving soon. and because you know this place better than I do you should decide where we go.

(Alright I'm going to let you guys decide where they go)

1. Qrow comes back and tries to convince them to go back with him.(beacon)

2. Both Y/n and Zane get ambushed by atlas soldiers and are taken to ironwood.

3. Raven finds them and asks for their help.(Branwen tribe)

4. They both get attacked by Grimm Y/n.(Just for fun)


Kodie: And that's that, Let me know what you guys think while I work on the next chapter. be sure to vote on which choice you want to happen.

*sigh* I have a long road ahead of me.

From Another World (PowerfulM!Reader x RWBY) Continuation(Slow updates)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt