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Stephan's POV
Everybody rushed into the hospital.Angel runs out crying.She falls into Princess arms.I was so scared , I ain't know what Angel was finna say.
Princess POV
"Omg I was so scared , I thought he was gonna die" Angel said
"Omg is he okay" ?! I shouted
"He OD on coke , I didn't even know he was doing that shit , but like they pumped his stomach and he's hooked up to the Iv , so he's just resting now"
"Omg coke ?! Ughh , like Danm , we happy hes okay , he seriously could have died" !
"I know like I'm shaking"
"He had told us about it in the bathroom, we was smoking weed first and then he let me , QT and Mario try it , T ain't want to tho , I hate this happened" Stephan said
"Yall supposed to be his best friends , why would you let him do that shit , why would y'all get hooked on that shit" ?! Angel screams
"Im sorry , I definitely feel less of a friend , I should have talked him down on that shit"
"Don't talk down on yourself , it's not your fault baby , all y'all could have died , it just didn't effect y'all the way it effected him"
"He said some guy at the pool party sold it too him" QT said
"Omg what ?! So that means he has been got hooked on that shit" Angel said
"Yeah , I was tryna tell them not to do it" QT said
"But you did it anyways" Mario said
"Yeah and I highly regret it" QT said
"See that's why he was puking and having seizures , that shit was already in his body , man I love weed , but that coke shit , hell naw that will have you gone to hell somewhere"
"I'm feeling sick now" Stephan said
"Omg sit down baby"
I escorted him to a seat.
"My head is spinning" Mario said
"Omg y'all need some water" Nikki shouts
Nikki and Sophie ran to get water.They came back handing the boys some water.
Domonique and DJ walks up.
"What are y'all doing here" Sophie asked
"We heard about what happened to Prince , is he okay" ? DJ asked
"Why do y'all care" ? Sophie asked
"Because he was our friend" ! Domonique shouts
"And we still care about him" DJ says
A nurse walks out.
"Y'all can come on in and see him , he's eating"
"Oh thank God" !
Angel was the first to fly away.
We all rushed into the room.He was sitting up tearing down a sandwich and some apple sauce.
Prince POV
I suddenly started crying , when I saw Angel.
"I'm so sorry"
She held me in her arms with tears in her eyes.
"You scared me , I thought I was gonna lose you"
"I know , I don't what I was thinking"
"It's okay but it's not okay, we're just happy your alive"
She kisses my cheek.Everybody stood by my side smiling.
"Stephan , QT , Mario , I'm so sorry I let y'all try that shit , I'm never doing that again"
"It's okay man , and plz don't , none of us will ever do that again, I should have talked you down on that , I should have been a better home boy" Stephan said
"Don't talk down bout yourself, you a good home boy , I love you like a brother , I made a huge mistake and I shouldn't have pressured y'all"
Everybody came around my bed to hug me.Princess was the first to hug me , she kissed my forehead.I smiled.
"We're gonna get you some help baby" Angel said
"Okay" I smiled
Princess POV
"Will y'all excuse me, I need to go to use the restroom"
I had signaled Sophie to follow me.
"Yeah I gotta use the restroom too" Sophie said
Me and her hurried out the room.
"Okay so what are you about to do" ?
"Imma take a pregnancy test here"
"Oh lord okay"
"I have to know , I gotta get this over with"
"Yeah I know"
Domonique runs up behind us.
"Can I plz talk to y'all"?
We glared at her.I glanced at Sophie.
"Talk to Sophie , you hurt her remember" ?
"Wassup" ? Sophie asked
"Imma go take that test"
She nodded , and I wondered off.
Sophie's POV
Me and Domonique glared at each other.
"Listen I'm so sorry , I didn't mean to hurt you"
"But you did , and it's really hard to trust you again"
"Look I know and I'm beyond sorry , I can't express it enough, I just don't want us to be enemies , we don't even have to be friends, I just don't wanna be enemies with you"
I glared at her.
"Look I forgive you , and okay yeah we don't have to be enemies , but I don't wanna hang out with you, and I surely don't wanna be your friend, I know who my real friends are , but like just keep your distance"
"I understand, so are we halfway okay"
"I don't really know how to answer that right now , but we're not enemies and that's all I can say...probably forever, and besides we're about to graduate, we finna launch out, go to college , you need to go find a new set of friends , people lose friends and lovers every day , so just move on ,yeah I forgive you but I won't forget , so imma leave it like that"
She glared at me nodding,
"Now I gotta go see about my real best friend , and see if she's okay"
I walked away.
Stephan's POV
Me and the boys was playing UNO on Prince bed.Angel , Nikki and Christina was chilling , chatting and on their phones.King walks in.
"Sorry am I late" ?
"This isn't school bro" I said laughing
"True he laughed ...but Prince are you okay" ?
"Much better after I puked my brains out , I'm pretty damn good"
"Well I'm glad your feeling better man , I bet that was scary to go threw" King said
"Yep it sure was"
"Yeah Imma go take a leak real quick , I'll be back"
"Aight man"
Kings POV
I walked out and I headed to the bathroom , I thought I was seeing things , I peep Princess wearing a hospital gown , she was sitting on the hospital bed , Sophie was siting next to her.I eased my way in.They jumped.
"Oh I'm sorry , I didn't mean to scare you"
"Oh it's okay , hey King , you just now rollin in to see Prince" ?
"Yeah sorry bout that , I just spoked to him , I was on my way to the restroom and I peeped you , um are you okay, why you in the hospital too" ?
"None of your business King" Sophie said
"It was just a simple question , my bad"
"Oh it's personal stuff" Princess said
"Oh well aight , but whatever it is , I Hope you feel better"
I smiled and walked out.
Princess POV
The doctor walked in.
"Hello Princess we have the results"
My heart was beating so fast.I held Sophie's hand tightly.I glared at the doctor.
"Congratulations your 2 weeks pregnant"
I gasped , I glanced at Sophie , she glared at me.
Stephan's POV
"Uhhh how come Princess and Sophie hasn't came back yet" I asked
"She said something about she had to go take a test" Domonique said
"A test, what kind of test " ? I asking with a puzzled expression
Nikki's POV
I had to a quickly change the subject.
"Omg prom is next week y'all" !
Everybody cheered.
"I have my dress" Angel said
"Yesss me too" I said giggling
"Mario you got your suit picked out , I'm wearing a red gown"
"You know I got it baby" Mario said grinning
"Good" I said smiling
Princess POV
Me and Sophie walked in.
"Yooo baby I missed you , where y'all been at" ?
"Getting some snacks" I said smiling
"Yeah we got everybody some chips n juice" Sophie said
We handed everybody their snacks.
"Awww thanks for looking out for us" Stephan said
I laughed.
"Um babe can I talk to you outside" ? Stephan said
I nodded, we walked out.
"Domonique was saying you went to go take a test, what she talking bout" ?
I glared up at him.He glared at me.
"I'm pregnant"
"Yeah I had a feeling"
"Omg you did" ?!
"Yeah your vibe changed , I knew something was off , I just didn't really know what it was"
"Are you mad" ?
"Mad ? No baby I'm happy, Imma be a daddy"
"But college and our careers"
"We can still do what we gotta do , you ain't finna be in this alone , I got money , imma be their every step of the way providing and helping with everything, imma support you threw it all , you already know our baby is gonna have the best of everything"
"Awww thank you baby"
"You don't gotta thank me , you my baby gurl , I love you"
"I love you more"
I smiled.
"So congratulations to us"
I giggled.
"So Imma still go to school , Yeah Imma be pregnant, but I don't see what's the hold up , like ion wanna be one of those lazy pregnant woman , I got a career and money to make , Imma be a strong pregnant woman and do what I got to do"
"Exactly baby ! And imma do what I gotta do too ,we got this , it's gonna be alright"
"Now we just gotta tell our parents"
"Yep , btw do you wanna tell the gang or wait" ?
"Nope , let's tell them now , I'm comfortable and relived now"
"Okay , whatever you say mama" he said chucking
I giggled.
We walked back in the room.Everybody glared at us.
"We have an announcement to make" Stephan said
"Were gonna be parents" !! We said at the same time
Everybody gasped , clapped and cheered.Everybody was hugging and congratulating us.I ain't hug Domonique tho , she tried and I shoved her away.I walked towards Sophie and hugged her.
"Uh congrats , but Um imma head out" King said
"Aight bye man" Stephan said
King nodded and stormed out.
Omg is this dude mad bout sum?
Prince POV
I had to be in the hospital for a few more days just for observation to make sure my body was completely fine.But I'll be out soon.Angel stayed overnight, she came straight to the hospital after school.The days had passed n I was finally released.Yayyy.
Princess POV
I was coming out the bathroom at school , I seen King at the lockers.I walked up to him.
"U good ? , you haven't really been around the last couple of days"
"Yeah I'm alright"
"U left early the other day at the hospital, u seemed off"
"It's just ...I was really shocked when you said you were pregnant"
"Why" ?
"Because somewhere deep down I still have feelings for you , I mean remember back in 6th grade when we almost did it" ?
"Wow ...um yeah I remember"
"I really thought you were gonna be my first , cuz I was a Virgin too"
"Oh wow I did not know that"
"Yeah n ever since , I've just been stuck on you , and I hate we stopped talking ever since that night"
"King we was kids, were older now , you have to move on"
"Look I know , but I just wanted you to know"
"Well I'm glad you told me , but you know we can ever only just be friends, I'm very happy with Stephan, I mean shit we have a baby on the way , and you deserve to be happy too, so find somebody that truly loves you ok" ?
He nodded and smiled.
We hugged.
Victoria's POV
I seen Princess and King hug , I snapped a picture.I smirked evilly and I dm the picture to Stephan on Instagram.
Stephan's POV
I frowned so hard at what I seen in my dms.I walked into a classroom and I seen King siting at his desk listening to music.I hit his desk , he jumped so hard , snatching out his head phones.
"Tf is yo problem man" ?!
"Dude why you on my woman" ?!
"Huh" ?!
"Huh" ?! I mimicked him
I shoved the phone in his face.
"Aw man it wasn't even like that , ask Princess" !
Princess walks in.
"Ask me what" ?! Princess shouts
"Why you hugging up on this nigga" ?!
I shoved the phone in her face.
"Babe omg , it wasn't like that , like I promise you it wasn't like that, you know I'm fucked up bout you , I will never ever cheat on you , I will never hurt you and you know this" !
She grabbed me and pulled me close to her,I quickly nodded.
"I know baby , I'm sorry , and you know I love you so much and I'm fucked up bout you too , U know I get jealous fast"
"You trust me and I trust you, and that's all that matters"
I gave King dap. "I'm sorry man"
"It's all good , it was seriously just a big misunderstanding, I promise you it was not like how you think"
"Aight I believe you man"
"Babe who sent you that picture" ?
I glared at her "Victoria"
Victoria's POV
After school I was chilling on my balcony smoking some weed.
"Hey bitch" I heard a voice
I jumped and turned around.
"Omg Princess how did you get in my house" ?!
"I picked your lock stupid"
I gasped "omg why are you here" ?!
"You thought you was so slick , you thought Stephan was gonna break up with me"!
She walked towards me , I backed up , I was so scared.
"What are you talking about" ?! I shouted
"U know exactly what I'm talking about bitch , you took a picture of me and King when we hugged and you sent the picture to Stephan, I know what you were trying to do , you nosey hateful bitch" !
"I'm sorry okay , you've hurt me" !
"Hurt you? You've Always hated me , you've always been jealous of me and the fact that we used to be best friends in middle school"
"That was until I found out you and King tried to hook up" !
"I didn't even know you liked him , you never told me" !
"You should have seen the signs" !
"Bitch I ain't no fortune teller , we were kids" !
"Your such a hoe and you know it , you almost got laid wit the boy I liked , I tried to get over King, so once I started high school , I started dating Stephan and then you show up and steal him away from me too , and that hurt me a lot , so yeah I have every right to hate you , you ran middle school and now your running high school" !
"He wanted me and not you and besides after I got Stephan you end up getting with King Anyways,but oh that's right you cheated on him and lost him too , so you better get over it, you stupid hatful mad ass bitch" !!
I charged at her, and we begin to brawl on the balcony.
Princess POV
We was fighting like cats and dogs and suddenly , she slips off the balcony , she screams , I gasped , she was hanging from the house.
"Omg" !! She screams
"Here grab my hand"! I shouted
I reached as far as I could , she grunted trying to reach my hand.We both struggled and I finally pulled her up.We glared at each other , she had tears in her eyes , she fell into my arms to hug me , I hugged her back.We hugged tightly.
"I'm so sorry" she said breathing heavy
"I'm sorry too" I said tearing up
We hugged again.
"Thank you for saving me" !
"I'm crazy but I'm not a killer and besides we were once friends you know"
"I know"
"Listen ...I seriously didn't know you liked King , I really didn't and the situation with Stephan he told me y'all had broken up"
"Wow I didn't know he said that"
"Yeah that's what I was trying to tell you back then , but you didn't wanna listen"
"And that's my bad, but I'm happy for you , you love Stephan and he loves you and that's all that matters , I'm sorry I tried to break y'all up , I guess I was so jealous and hatful , because I lost King Cuz of something stupid I did"
"It's okay , I mean we kept going back and forth with each other , and it wasn't right on both of our parts"
"Nope it wasn't"
"Yeah , we finna graduate and do big things, we don't need the extra drama in our life's"
"Exactly , and your about to bring life in the world , congratulations btw"
"Your right and thanks" I said smiling
"Btw I didn't know Caroline was gonna record that video , she told me , and yeah of course at the time I liked that she had done that , but now you and me are cool , so it's in the past now"
"Yep , let's just put it all behind us now , let's just move forward"
"Moving forward"
We hugged and giggled.
Sophie's POV
QT been texting me lately , me and him been feeling each other.I told him to come over n chill with me.He came over and we sat on the sofa to watch a movie.
"So I see you all the way over DJ" he said
"Yeah and I see you all the way over Domonique"
"Yep, I sure am"
"So you tryna get me with me" ?
"Maybe , I mean only if you wanna get with me"
"I think I do , ion like being single"
"You too pretty to be single anyways"
I giggled "Hush T"
"I'm deadass"
He scooched closer to me.
"I don't know what DJ did to you , but I can do some thangs to you gurl"
"Oh really" ?
"Hell yeah , lemme show you"
"Alright show me"
He leaned in to kiss me.We kissed with passion.He slips his fingers down in the yellow pages.He begin to finger me slowly.I moaned with pleasure.We continued to kiss.He kissed and licked my neck softly.It felt amazing.I eased his gray sweats down , now exposing his big ole hard black dick.
"Oh shit" I whispered
He laughed.
"Can you take it" ? He whispered
"Yeah imma big gurl"
"Yeah aight , cuz I wasn't finna take no as a answer anyways"
I smirked "Danm" I bit my lip.
"Suck this shit gurl"
I got on my knees , and I put all of him in my mouth and slurped and sucked that big ole thang in my mouth.I teased the tip and spit on it.
"Danm gurl" he grunted
I giggled.
"Ion why DJ cheated on you , if you was given him this dick sucking treatment".
"Ion why either"
He pulled my head.
"Suck it harder" he demanded
I did what I was told too.
I finally finished.
"Sit on it" he demanded
I hopped right on and I slid down , and I begin to bounce as fast as I could.
"No baby do it slow , then work your way up"
I did what I was told.
"Yeahhhhhhh" he grunted
Justice POV
I seen Christina walk out the classroom.
"Chris can I talk to you" ?
"Ugh what" ?
"I really miss you and I want you back"
"No Justice it's not happening"
"Pls Chris , I'm so sorry , it was a big mistake , I hate myself for it, I really do , Pls lemme make things right with us"
She glared at me.
"Lemme prove to you , I can be the best boyfriend , I love you so much , I really do , I can't lose you"
She looked down.
"Then why did you do it" ?
"I was being stupid and immature, and I my feelings was just all jumbled but I know who I want and who I really love, so plz Christina Cooper could you give me another Chance" ?
"Okay, I'll give you another chance"
"Yes" !!
"but let's just take it slow"
"Of course , got it , I understand"
She smiled.
"Can I hold your hand" ?
"I guess"
We held hands and walked away down the hallway.
Prince POV
I was back in school , I was living my best life.I felt good , energized, I felt like myself again.Im in this lil program.It helps me a lot.Angel and my friends definitely helps and supports me , without them I would probably be relapsing.But it's all good now.
Me and Sophie was walking down the hallway holding hands.We was happy as hell.Domonique and DJ passed by us holding hands.We spoke and went on bout her ways.Me and Sophie didn't make them our enemies , but their not our friends either , I guess their just distant associates now.
Victoria's POV
Me and Princess was getting along now , and everybody knew , it was literally the talk of the school , because everybody knows we were arch enemies.But now we cool as can be.And King asked me back out , we had a long talk and he forgave me for cheating on him with Justice.I could literally scream of happiness.We went on a nice picnic date.It was amazing.Im so happy we're dating again.And we end up doing it , in his car.It was good too, I missed that dick of his lmao.But anyways Me and Christina end up making up , we not really friends , we just associates.But it's still all good ya know.
Princess POV
Me , Stephan and my main folks was living our best life's.I was pregnant with twins !! A baby boy and a baby gurl.Imma name the boy Moonlight and the girl Starlight.Because their so special and their gonna outshine all of the other kids.Me and Stephan was beyond happy and excited.Prom was amazing and lit.Everybody was dressed to kill , we danced and ate all night.I was the only one that couldn't drink or smoke of course.But I had an amazing time.We all did.Graduation had came and gone.The ceremony was beautiful.My gang graduated with honors.High school has been crazy , nothing but drama , everybody fought , cried , screamed , did drugs , had sex, cheated and I got pregnant but we all end up working things out at the end.People lost friends, people lost boyfriends , girlfriends , we gained new friends, but I mean it's life , you have to move on, people come and go out your life quicker than pop corn being cooked in the microwave.But it is what it is.High school can be hard , but we all learn by our mistakes , n were still learning ,but we try to do better and get stronger from it.And as along as you have a good support system by your side to cheer you up , or wipe your tears or give you good advice , you should be okay.But me and everybody went on a vacation to Bora Bora and we had a blast , nothing but litness for a whole week.✨🦄🌈🚀🥳

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