The Sailboat

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Everyone closed their binders and some of you were wiping your eyes.

"Well? What did you think?" Wes asked.

"WE LOVE IT!" you all said in unison.

"Okay. Since that it's been a long couple of days for some of us. How about we relax for the rest of the day? How does a sailboat ride on the peninsula sound?" Wes offered.

Everyone agreed with that plan and boarded the party bus. It took you all to the harbor. A worker gave everyone a stamp on their hand. Then, everyone in the cast boarded the sailboat.

It was almost sundown, so it was a little bit chilly and the sky was orange. Even though it's summer back home, it's winter in South Africa. You guys enjoyed the rest of the drinks from the party. Most of them had alcoholic beverages. Only you, Dexter, Rosa, and Jacob had sodas. Kat brought her Bluetooth speaker and she played a playlist on Spotify. Then, the sailboat started to move.

The ride was very smooth and a gentle breeze was blowing. You took your phone out to take a video of the million dollar view. You stopped recording because Ki Hong was in your way.

"Hey, Ki Hong. Can you move? You're blocking the view." you said.

"Oh, please. I am the view, tiger." he responded.

Thomas leaned closer to you to tell you something.

"Just wait. His Minho sass and sarcasm won't last much longer." he said.

"I'll start counting down." you said.

'Old Town Road' started to play on Kat's speaker. Dexter got up from his seat and started to show off his moves.

Then, 'Meant to Be' started to play. You pulled Thomas up and you both slow danced in circles in the middle of the sailboat. When the song ended, you both went back to where you were seating.

"It is meant to be, love." Thomas whispered in your ear.

You smiled and leaned in for a kiss. When you pulled away, you laid your head on his shoulder. He laid his head down on yours and wrapped his arm around you.

Kat's music stopped playing. It was now quiet. All that you guys could hear was the breeze and the boat going against the current. You all were staring out to the blue ocean and the orange sky.

"You know? This is a good start to something that's coming to an end." Will said.

Wes then got up and stood in front of everyone.

"A the final chapter of the Maze Runner series." he said, raising his drink up.

"Cheers!" everyone said in unison, raising their drinks up as well.

The sailboat turned around and was heading back to the harbor. The ride was over and everyone got off once the boat was back at the port. The party bus driver drove you all back to the hotel. You checked the time and saw that it was almost 8:30pm. When you got back to your room, you called your family. Luckily, they were all together, so you got to speak to everyone.

You ended the call and went into the bathroom to take a shower. After you dried your hair, you saw that you received a text from Thomas.

"Come down for dinner. Everyone going up to Dexter's room to play some games." he said.

You and the cast ate dinner, then went to Dexter's room as planned. It was just random games with white boards, such as I Have/Haven't, Who Knows Who Best, and Two Truths and A Lie.

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