Chapter 2- If We Go Beyond The Sea

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Armin POV
"Alright we have to wrap this up and report back to HQ," says Levi.

I head over towards the group as we all start walking to our horses. I stop, noticing Mikasa and Eren aren't beside me. I turn around. There.
They're standing. Together. Eren is still in deep thought. Mikasa is most likely waiting for him.
I'm not sure if it's that or if she's thinking about beyond the sea too.
With never know. Unless she tells you.

"Jeager, Ackerman, now!" Shouts Levi from a distance.

I see Eren flinch a little bit, startled by Levi's sudden hollering. He was definitely thinking about something, but whatever it was it took over him.
Both him and Mikasa start walking towards me and then with me.

Eren POV
I walk to my horse and get on it along with everyone else. We start riding. Heading back.
My mind is still a little engrossed in thought from before.

There's more of humanity. But they hate us? How does that make proper sense? It doesn't. If they hate us, should we hate them? Nothing has happened from there part, but what if they attack? Could things get even worse?

Do I need to kill them all?

My many thoughts are interrupted by Mikasa as she's close. Making sure I'm okay. She didn't need to do that.
"I'm fine!" I say, harshly.
She looks away. Moving her horse farther from me. Knowing not to bother me, a little hurt.

Lately we've been getting along more. I haven't been so annoyed with her. So, snapping at her like that isn't exactly normal for me anymore.

Should I apologize? Maybe she's realized I'm just so uneasy about what we learned in my father's basement. It's starting to get to me more than I anticipated....

"Slow down the horses!" Levi exclaims.
I look up to see that we've made it back to the wall.
I almost don't want to go back in there.
Mine and everyone's horse slows down. As we enter the gate on our way to HQ.

We spent so much time looking at the sea, that we lost track of time. It's already the evening.

We'll have to unwind, feed the horses and put them in the stable. Then we have to prepare the mess hall for dinner. It's part of the Captains "chores."

Just as we arrive, I jump off my horse and pull it gently by the reins, towards the stables. On my way, I grab a few apples for it.
Its hay is in the stable with him and the other horses.

I lean against the barn door just to relax for a moment. I observe my comrades and friends as they're doing what I had just finished.

I watch Sasha stealing a few apples for herself, Connie having trouble with his misbehaving horse, and Jean, well jean is a horse face so he might as well be going in for a slumber party.
Then I watch armin and Mikasa.

I hear armin say, "he's just in a little shock, we all are. He's grown up a lot. Don't get too worried or upset. You guys have each other no matter what he says or you say. We can talk more about it later, Hange is gonna need my help with a few observations before dinner."
It's faint but I hear all of it.
Mikasa just nods as he walks away.

She faces her horse and pats it gently. Then pulls it into the other barn where we keep the other half of our horses.

She feeds it an apple and while it's chewing she pets the white line of fur going down its nose.
I hear her say, "if only"

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