*Beep, Beep, Beep*

Zhan took out his phone and looked at it. A tiny reminder greeted him.

"Time for the medicine, Rx*******."

For some reason, something in his chest clenched a bit tight. It was Yibo's medicine time. Zhan had set this reminder to himself to prepare a little sweet dish each day as Yibo used to fuss about this particular medicine leaving an unpleasant aftertaste.

 As he scrolled down intending to delete them he found his phone was actually full of such reminders. 

9:00 am: Time to Wake The Brat.

9:30 am: Prepare Breakfast.

10:00 am: Time For medicine Rx XXXX. After Breakfast.

10:30 am: Read aloud the emails addressed to the Vice Chairman of Wang Corporation and answer them as per his dictation...

Zhan Stopped. 

It was actually the most troublesome time he used to face during the day. Because Yibo never touched the Laptop himself saying he was too sick. ( Although the sickness didn't stop him playing with Lego Bricks and trying to build huge cities on his bed during this particular time). And other than emails related to his work Yibo would get numerous personal emails from his many previous girlfriends. 

For Zhan, this was the main problem. 

 For some reason, Yibo forced him to write outrageously cruel, and heartbreakingly harsh replies to these girls which Zhan knew might devastate the receiver completely. But though he tussled with him every day to tone them down a bit, Yibo remained adamant and callously replied :

"The emails are addressed to me, Zhan Xiao. Only I would decide who gets what. Your job is to take my dictation and write them as per my wish"

Heartless, moody and childish.

In short this was the definition of Yibo Zhan had inferred in these few days. 

Zhan sighed. 

Only one evening was an exception...

Zhan shook his head trying to delete the last scene from Yibo's bedroom from his head.

He knew that to the impulsive brat like Yibo the words probably meant nothing, but he could not remove those toxic words as they kept on repeating over and over in Zhan's head like a stuck recording.

"Then at least I would have died for someone I like---"

died for someone I like

someone I like

"He might have spoken the words like this to all the other persons he had been with. Why do I keep thinking of it?Moreover, why did I offered myself to him in the heat of the moment? What the heck am I becoming? "

Then suddenly his brain came up with something unexpected.

"Did I start to get attracted to him ?"


Zhan exclaimed, almost horrified at his thought. He can't be. It was near impossible, He reminded himself of the difference of their status in society, he reminded himself of the dangerous things he was associated in the first place. Not a single way he can get himself attached to that guy. And moreover, Zhan was not ---  

Suddenly he felt the cold touch of a revolver on his temple

"Xiao Laoshi looks so distracted. That is very unlikely of him. Did he forgot that inattentiveness  about the surroundings can  lead to accidents?"

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