"And from THE Marc Bartra." Marc continued.

"Shut up both of you." Dani laughed.

"Wait.. wait a second.." Gerard whispered. "This wasn't the place we left our things at." he continued.

"What do you mean?" Neymar asked confused.

We all looked at Gerard waiting for a response but he just looked up at the sky.

"Continue!" I said shaking his shoulders.

"Oh yeah I was telling a story." He laughed.

"Oh my god.." I whined.

"There is a red car covered with sticks and dirt right there." Gerard whispered pointing to a car who was left alone next to a tree covered in dirt and mud.

"Holy shit, what if someone is in there." Marc whispered.

"What if our things are in there?" Dani asked.

"No way, we're not going any closer what if someone is actually there what on earth is this dirty car doing in this damn forest." I shouted.

"But what if our things are in there?" Neymar whispered.

"Our things can't be in there if we're at the wrong place." I whispered.

A loud noise was heard out of nowhere and we just started to run in different directions. Neymar took my hand and pulled me to him and started to run. I couldn't see where the others ran but it was just me and Neymar. We stopped a few meters later and waited for the others to come.

"Seems like its just me and you again." He smirked and pulled me closer to him.

"Neymar not now." I laughed and pushed him away but he just grabbed my arms and pulled me back to him.

"Did you see where the guys ran?" Neymar asked.

"No I didn't, what the hell was that?" I asked shoked.

"I've no idea.." He whispered.

I expected the guys to come like after at least 5 minutes but no one was to be seen.

"Okay I've to admit something." I whispered.

"What?" Neymar looked at me and held my hands.

"I'm fucking scared I want to go home." I whined.

"Don't be scared, I won't leave you and you're going to get home don't worry." He smiled and hugged me.

"What shall we do now?" I asked confused.

"We have to walk back to see if something happened. " He confirmed.

He took my hand and led me through dirt and shit.

"Are you serious, I don't want to walk through this dirt." I whined.

"Sorry princess but there's no other way.." He chuckled.

We walked like 10 minutes in complete silent when I suddenly noticed something that scared the fuck out of me.

"N-Neymar." I stuttered.

"What, what happened?" He turned back and pulled me to him.

"There was someone running besides us." I whispered.

"Are you sure?" He whispered in my ear.

"Y-Yes.." I nodded.

"We have to walk faster." Neymar said walking faster.


Marc's P.O.V

"All right where are we?" I asked the guys.

"No idea, where is Neymira?" Dani laughed.

Me and Gerard just looked at him with the "What did you just say" face.

"What I actually ship them." Dani laughed.

"Yeah that's cool but we don't have time to talk about them right now, we have other things to worry about like probably finding them." I laughed.

"Did anyone see where they ran away?" Gerard asked.

We all shook our heads and stared at each other. I couldn't even see anyone's face because it was too dark. The only bright thing was probably the moon but it got almost covered by the trees in this damn forest.

"We should walk back to that creepy car, they probably headed back." Gerard suggested.

"I'm not sure if Mira would've dared to go back to that damn car." I chuckled.

"Well I'm pretty sure Neymar would've gotten her there, I mean he's king when it comes to things like this." Dani laughed.

"I don't think he'd force her." Gerard laughed.

"Of course not, he'd probably just try to convince her." I smiled.

"All right what shall we do now?" Gerard asked.

"Let's go back and take a look." I suggested "but first..." I walked over to a tree and ripped three heavy sticks off and handed them to the guys. "Just in case." I laughed.

"Hell yeah don't you dare to come at us we're equipped watch out." Gerard said sarcastically.

We walked like 5-10 minutes around not realising that we were just walking the same path over and over again.

"I think we've been here before." Dani whispered.

"And I think we've been here like 10 times." Gerard added.

"And I think we're fucking done." I finished.

"Dani what time is it." Gerard asked.

"It's 2.am." He whispered.

"Oh my god, we've practice tomorrow." I panicked.

"Yeah I guess we're never going to get out of this damn nightmare." Gerard said.

"I don't know where we should go I mean Dani doesn't even have any service on his phone." I said.

"Can we just scream and hope for someone to save us." Dani chuckled.

"Damn it let's just continue with walking." I said.

"Oh my god there is someone." Dani shouted.

"Where, where??" I panicked.

"I don't know someone was behind us I swear." He continued.

"We just need to get the fuck away." I said.

Whatsup how do you like it let me know i love reading your coments. Dont forget to comment and vote 😘❤️

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