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Jeongguk moves faster than lightning.

Taehyung doesn't have time to comprehend what's happening.

One second, the boy is in the passenger seat, an innocent gaze in his big doe eyes, the next, he's straddling Taehyung with his strong thighs, hot breath fanning his neck. The older isn't spared even a single second, he just feels this forehead against his own and his sanity falls to pieces before his very eyes.

His restraint has faded with the mere touch of his lips.

It's all so rushed, frantic, urgent.
They both are, Taehyung realises that he's let go of whatever self respect he previously had, he's wholeheartedly thrown it away- his mind is blank. All he can think of is the boy before him. Kissing him.

Jeongguk, Jeongguk, Jeongguk.

His lips are like fire when he kisses back, burning embers moulding perfectly into his sinful mouth, wet- red and raw and utterly wrong yet perfectly right. It felt right in the worst possible way. He we sinning against everything. Taehyung grabs the back of his neck and pulls him closer till their chests touch and every inch of his skin is ignited from the inferno that's raging in his heart.

His tongue begs for entrance which Taehyung gives him, opening his mouth further for him, Jeongguk shifts in his lap, kissing him deeper, heavy and meaningful. He barely knew him, yet Taehyung could feel the need in the heat of the moment. The need from them both.

Jeongguk Jeon is a good fucking kisser.

"What-" Taehyung breathes between kisses, momentarily taking a moment to question the whole ordeal, well, more so question if this was reality or a fragment of his imagination because Jeongguk Jeon is far too ethereal to be real. "Are we-" His gasps, breath heavy as he rests his forehead on the younger's, closing his eyes for a split second to regain his composure but Jeongguk doesn't let him, he barely lets him breathe before his lips are on his again and his tongue is down his throat. "Doing?" What were they doing? Taehyung doesn't fucking know.

It's so fucking hot, Taehyung thinks he might combust.

The younger's so needy, he's moving his lips in perfect sync, like he's done it million times before. Taehyung isn't complaining, every kiss is lengthy and hot and filled to the brim with sexual frustration. Taehyung wonders how he could be so bold, so unfathomably confident.

He loves it.

Jeongguk giggles when Taehyung bites down on his lip, he tugs on Taehyung's tie and brings a small hand to his hair, weaving it through his long blonde locks.

Taehyung breaks free to look at him, mouth wet- from the taste of the teen's sweet, sweet mouth.

"I don't know." Jeongguk's voice is teasing and low, playful in a taunting way, he whispers in amusement.

A second layer he's whining and kissing him again and Taehyung doesn't know what the fuck is happening anymore, all he knows is that his hands are on his ass , Taehyung's squeezing his thighs and Jeongguk is running his hands down his chest and groaning softly into his mouth, lust filled eyes glistening, his lashes fluttering shut as he begins to grind on Taehyung's lap, the latter having lost his sense of moral, arousal pools in the pit of his stomach and oh fuck-

Taehyung has a girlfriend.


Shit, shit, shit, shit, shit.

Taehyung wants to pull away, he wants to push the boy off him and be disgusted with himself and wish to turn back time for a few seconds, to stop, or erase whatevers happened and forget about it, he wishes Jeongguk would climb off his lap and sit back in his seat and pretend this never happened.

That was the problem.

He couldn't.

He physically couldn't let go.

Because he was selfish.

Taehyung felt like he was burning.

But, as suddenly as it had began, it crashes down and Jeongguk abruptly disconnects their lips, leaning back to look at him smugly. A feline smirk adorns his pretty, blushing face. Taehyung furrows his thick brows in confusion.

"Does she kiss you like I do?" The boy whispers quietly into Taehyung's ear, his voice is airy and our of breath, they both are. Panting for the slightest bit of oxygen.

It was reassurance he wanted then Taehyung was more than willing to give it to him; he shook his head slowly and lowered his gaze to Jeongguk's red, swollen lips, dripping wet from their tongues. He wants to grab his face again, he tries to, he leans forward and cups his cheeks with his hands and he's about to kiss him when Jeongguk chuckles lightly and climbs off his lap, plopping himself down on the seat again.

Taehyung opens his mouth to speak but nothing comes out, he just stares ahead, dumb found, fazed.

Jeongguk runs a hand through his hair and his face changes again, it's serious, his frivolity has dispersed yet Taehyung remains flustered, his disposition utterly disturbed.

Jeongguk opens another wrapper and pops the bubblegum into his mouth, putting his seatbelt on. He turns to Taehyung, the latter's heart is going into overdrive.

"Well, are you going to drive?" Jeongguk asks, pulling his phone out from his pocket.

Taehyung wordlessly complies, eyes wide as saucers as he tightens his grip on the steering wheel, gulps, turns on the engine and changes gears- seconds later they're speeding down the road again as if nothing ever happened in the first place.

They sit wordlessly for the last few minutes to the Jeon residence, a million thoughts flooding his head but Taehyung forces himself to shut them out as he rolls up in front of Jeongguk's house.

Jeongguk opens the door and climbs out, shutting it on Taehyung's face.

Taehyung thinks that that's the end but then there's a tap on the window and the boys pretty face is staring down at him. The older silently opens it.

Jeongguk bites down on his ruby red lips, bracing his arms on the lowered glass, staring into Taehyung's eyes with that wild, unruly gaze of his.

"Sorry," he starts, tilting his head. Taehyung doesn't know why he's sorry, he wants to tell him that it's alright, but he doesn't because he can't talk. His throat is blocked. He waits for what he has to say. When it comes, Taehyung wants to choke. "You might want to take care of that." He giggles, gaze flickering to Taehyung's lower region.

He wonders what he's talking about but then he wishes he hadn't wondered because his cheeks flame up with embarrassment as he spies the large bulge in his too-tight slacks.

"See you around," he's such a fucking tease. Every syllable that tumbles from his mouth is like honey; sinful poison. He loves the way he says his name. "Taehyung." he says it softly, so light, so beautiful off his sweet tongue. Taehyung wants to hear it on repeat. But he can't.

He can't have him.

It frustrates his so much.


I like cheese

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