Wednesday Feb 5 2020 & Thursday Feb 6 2020

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     Today was quite interesting. Recently I've been questioning a dragon as another kin type cuz of a dream and other stuff. I've been feeling really attach to a certain dragon look. I can't stop thinking about it. You know when you're like super bored and you'll just start making up scenes in you're head. Recently that's been happening. The weird thing is it's been happening but with the same ones. Could it be a memory or just my overactive imagination. Anyway in my thoughts er whatever you wanna call it It's been something like this. So all the limbs have fur and the rest are scales and in the fur on the tail there's like those spiky things. My head kinda looks like the shape that toothless has in 'how to train your dragon'. I'll try my best to keep you updated on that stuff. Also keep in mind I'm not totally sure about a dragon being one of my kin types. Now something happened today including otherkin stuff. So recently at church my friend, let's call him lucas, recently found out there a otherkin. I actually helped them out with that. I think their a otherkin that doesn't shift. I know its a thing I just don't remember what it's called. So I'm really happy I finally have an otherkin friend. Another thing has been happening, but it doesn't happen always. Like every once in a while I'll look in the mirror and I'll scare myself cuz I don't see what's there. I see something else. A dragon lookin... I'll explain it next time. Also today for a science expo thing literally the best thing happened. I'm pretty sure I was blushing a whole lot. Anyway this is what happened. I was just standing there and my crush came over and looked at my board. She looked at me and said cool. I was like yeah and she goes there's a little strand of hair.  She sweeps it to the right side and whole crap. What better could've happened. 



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