Saturday Jan 30 2020 & Sun Feb 2 2020

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       Sry I did post the last one on the right day. Some Ipad stuff happened and ya. I had a memory or at least i think it was. 

           Running like the wind with the others. Free and wild with no certain reason. I almost the middle of nowhere. Free with no worries.

       I also can't stop thinking bout this one time at camp and there was this cute girl in my cabin and by the end of the week we were holding hands. There's one problem i never got the chance to confront her bout that. 

       Also the therian and otherkin stuff has really been getting to me like a lot. I can't stand it anymore. I can stand being in the long legs world anymore. As a demon I just want to go back to hell and as a wolf a just want to go back to the wild. I want to be where I belong... where I'm met to be... where I came from. I can't stand being called one of the long legs. No offense to hoomans or anything but their raise has destroyed my home. I can't do it anymore.  

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