Best Friends

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(Author P.O.V)

"They say having a best friend is an incredible feeling, and it brings a sense of joy. They say a best friend is someone you need in your life, they're that one person you can always lean on. They're the one who supports you, loves you, guides you through your hardships. A best friend calls you out when needed, a best friend is honest. A best friend is there for all you experience.. one of the biggest ones, being love."

Zane cleared his throat as he closed the book. Kawaii~Chan eyed him dearly, and let out a small pout. "Why'd you stop reading to me Zane~Kun?" She said cutely. But then again, she always sounded cute in Zane's perspective. "It's only the end of the first chapter Nana, we'll have plenty of time to read it." Nana frowned at him. "That last message really spoke to me.. about best friends." Zane raised an eye brow at her. "Kawaii~Chan and Zane will always be there for each other right? As best friends?" Zane nodded his head.

"Zane.. will I get to be there for when you find your special someone?" I don't think you can.. because you don't realise that special someone is you. If you could be by my side I'd love life so much more.. I love every thing about you..

"Zane? Answer Kawaii~Chan's question~" There she goes, being all cute again. Her curiosity.. or when she switched from 3rd to 1st person when she talks, Zane thought silently. If you'd ever want to be mine I could answer this so easily..

"Chapter Two:
Having a best friend can be difficult from time to time. You two bicker about such and such, or maybe you can't do much for them in that moment. But the worst part of all is when you're trying to get them to read you.. they can become so blind to you're feelings at times. It's the most frustrating thing to compensate. Direct communication can be so hard too."

Zane paused after reading the first page, flipping to the next. Nana sat in front of him, utterly confused. Zane eyed the book deeply.

"Can't you just see how I feel? What more do I have to do? Do you even care? Do you love me too? These are all thoughts we encounter as we fall for our best friend. It then again ties in with the hardship of not being able to read each other's feelings. Please, stay in my grasp, don't ever leave me. I'd do so much just to have you.. just to make you mine."

Zane looked at Kawaii~Chan intensely while placing the book down. "Does that answer your question?" She sat silently before speaking up. "I don't entirely understand." Zane closed his eyes, you can do this. "You're already by my side while I'm in love with this special person. Because you are that special person, don't you see it? I'd do so much just to have you as mine Nana.." Silence. It was silent. Zane lowered his head, looking at his lap. A wide smile crept upon Kawaii~Chan, she leaned her fore head against Zane's.

"Then why don't you?"

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