Gardenia closed her eyes for a moment as she tried to find her state of mind. Trying so hard to not say anything because if she did then she might get punched.

Tara grabs her purse and things the Bear's hand. "I'm taking your brother to school this morning, you go in that bathroom and do that hair." Tara says and Bear frowned because he wanted Gardenia to take her to school.

Gardenia watched her family leave the house and she stood there in the living room. She was thinking hard because she didn't see anything wrong with it at all in fact she wanted her hair this way. She waited ten minutes before leaving the apartment, not doing a thing with her hair because she wasn't gonna let her parents dictate just about everything she does.

The teenager made it in time to get on the subway, she stood up as she rode to Harry's stop and she felt confident in her Afro and she very much loved her Afro.

Gardenia bites her lip as they come to Harry's stop, the subway stops and the doors open. People start coming out and Gardenia sees people get on but she doesn't see Harry. She sighs as she looks forward because she was kinda hoping that he would come on the subway.

Unfortunately, he's been on her mind ever since yesterday and she hated it but yet loved every second of it. She crosses her legs as rubbed her arm. "Why the sad face?" Harry questioned her and she looked over, she jumps a little as she rested her hand on her heart. "Good God Almighty, you can't be creepin' on me like that." She says and he chuckles as he scoots closer to her. "Sorry love, you looked sad and I came in on the other entrance." He says and Gardenia completely forgot that there were more than one double doors.

"You alright?" Harry asked her and he was still concerned because she looked sad.

"I'm fine, I promise." Gardenia answered followed by a small smile.

Harry looks at her hair and he smiles so widely, his green eyes were bright and he hasn't stopped looking at her ever since he got on the subway. "I fancy your hair, it's really cool. I know that you get a pick and you pick it out right?" Harry questioned and Gardenia smiles, she usually didn't wear her Afro back in Texas because people were so ignorant and so she always wore it in styles that were appropriate plus her school didn't allow Afros. "I washed it, blow dried it out and then did a little picking out." Gardenia explained and Harry thought that was interesting.

"My soon to be step-sisters Pam, Angie and June, they do their hair like that all the time, they're all in grade school." Harry beamed and Gardenia smiles because that means that maybe her Dad or his Mom is marrying someone black or something wasn't right.

"Oh that's cool, your Dad or your Mom is getting married?" Gardenia asked him.

Harry looked down and he was smiling, he nodded and he sighs. "My Mom, she finally is able to marry her best friend that she has known since she was six years old. You know how interracial relationships weren't allowed back then and now it seems somewhat acceptable?" Harry questioned her and Gardenia nodded.

Harry bites his lip, his cheeks were becoming pink by the second. "I think that's amazing because not only she's the happiest woman in the world but I finally have a Dad, I always wanted a father. My father left me and my sister, Gemma, when we were little. I don't even remember him, I was just a baby." Harry explained and Gardenia wanted to rub his shoulder but she was too scared to, she felt that maybe someone on the subway might know her parents and might go run and tell her parents that she was with a white boy.

"I'm sorry that happened, I'm glad you're gonna have one. I always had one but he doesn't really pay attention to me unless I'm failing a class or I'm doing something wrong. It's never an I love you Gardenia or I'm so proud of the young woman you're becoming Gardenia." Gardenia smiles sadly and Harry rubs her arm. "It's alright, and your Pa should be proud of ya. I only known you for two days but I'm proud of you Gardenia." Harry grinned and the way he said her name, it was very different from how usually people say it.

Gardenia. [discontinued]Where stories live. Discover now