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6 Months From Now

"You're an ass, you know that right?", I asked the dark haired girl in front of me. I was feeling weak, numb and like someone was drowning every last living  piece of me I was carrying inside. It's not like she was actually doing it. God, how I hated witches.

My voice was sounding very quiet and weak, but still rude at the same time. My head was throbbing from all the pain she inflicted on me with her powers. She stopped now, but I knew as soon as I would get meaner to her, she'd do it again. And again. And again.

I was locked in a basement, I think. Honestly, I don't remember how I came here. It could be an old house, too. The walls looked old and like it hadn't been renovated in years, a lot of rubbish was laying around the floor and then there was me, my hands tied around a rope, hanging from the top of the ceiling. The rope was dunked in vervain. I could definitely feel it, because my body was hurting like a bitch, my hands specifically. And I could smell it. It feel like it was immersing into my nose, destroying every nerve I had in my body, over and over again.

How I wished I never went into that local after my walk-around throughout the school with Jade. I wouldn't have met her, I wouldn't feel like this. Jade would be safe. Jade.. I knew where she was and soon this witch would know too and then we'd all be in danger. I wasn't going to tell anyone anything, but witches had the ability to transfer into your mind as soon as you were weak enough, which is why she was doing all this, except for the fact that she hated me.

Her hating me was something I totally understood. I did some horrible stuff forty years ago. But if I would've known I would be meeting the child of the woman who's mother I killed forty years later, I never would have come back.

Who am I kidding. I would have gone anywhere if it meant I would have Jade Thirlwall in my life. The human that turned my whole life upside down from the moment we locked eyes.

;Back to present

The local was full of teenagers today. I figured a few of them I would see at school as soon as I would start tomorrow. There was this one group of friends that caught my eyes. A tall, brunette girl with a rocky look. She was kinda cute, not going to lie. With her there were two other boys and another girl.

The other girl seemed like she came from a cuban family. Her hair was dark, her eyes were piercing brown and she seemed to be a fan of colored clothes. I knew instantly that Lauren would like her. Lauren's type was the nice and cute type and even though Lauren didn't seem like someone who'd like to have the love of her life and be with her together forever, she actually was indeed that kind of person.

I sat down at the bar, ordering a whiskey to cool off my urge for blood. When the waiter wanted to see my ID, I manipulated him into letting me get as much alcohol as I want without checking my ID. Today seemed like a lucky day, because it actually worked. Normally, my skills weren't that good and I had a lot of trouble getting what I wanted.

"Rough day?", someone suddenly asked as I gulped the whole glass of whiskey into my mouth, feeling the intense taste of my favorite drink running through my lungs and veins.

I looked to my right. There's a dark-skinned, dark-haired girl. She had locks and looked very pretty, but I was still skeptical. There was something about her that just seemed off. I didn't know what it was. But I was always skeptical about people, no matter who I met. Trust issues are a bitch, let me tell you.

"Leigh-Anne.", she now said, expecting for me to answer. Let's just say, I wasn't the most socialized person in the world.

"Perrie.", I answered.

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