chapter 6- pressure

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i cant do this anymore. i've kept my feelings for kairi a secret for so long and nothing has happened. i either want to know he likes me back or nothing will ever happen between us. im tired of waiting. i think he might like me because of his actions but as soon as i brought up who gave him those hickeys he kept quiet and has been quiet. he usually tells me everything. the boy im in love with was slowly distancing himself away from me.

matti b: can i come over, i need to talk to someone

stiff king 👑: sure

Once arriving at Alejandros room door he broke down and just started crying. Ale opened the door and embraced Mattia in a hug
"C'mon man, Big Boy Ma-ttia cant be seen like this" Alejandro said in a comforting tone while walking them over to his bed not letting go causing Mattia to smile through his tear covered lips.

"Whats going on"

"I love Kairi."

Alejandro stayed silent just keeping Mattia calm with the comforting hug.

After he settled down they sat together facing each other.

"I don't know if i should tell you this but, Kairi thinks he likes you too"

i know i shouldn't get my hopes up just yet but hearing that made me feel like a weight was physically lifted from my shoulder.

"If you guys just talk I'm sure its bound to come up"

"I don't know Alex"

"Trust me"

After the discussion they ended up just hanging out and scrolling through tik tok. Before long there was a knock at the bedroom door and Alejandro basically sprinted over to the door he stood in front of it and before opening it he looked back

In walked Kairi, not expecting to see the boy he was trying to avoid he turned back to Alejandro with a similar face to Mattia's that was now looking at him as if he was concentrating on obliterating with his laser vision.

"Anyways, i have to go do something.. the house is all yours bye bye" He said closing the door behind him as he walked out.

The two boys sat there in complete silence as they heard the front door to the house close. When in reality after the big "leaving the house" show Alejandro snuck back up the stairs, and put his ear up against the door.

"Hey.." Mattia says as Kairi slowly sits down on the edge of the bed.


"Can you stop"

"Stop what?"

"You know what you're doing"

"I really dont please tell me"

"You're being a bitch for no damn reason thats what you're doing"

"Right, so im the one thats constantly pressuring you to do things you don't want to"


"Never mind." Kairi said standing up

"No tell me, please" Mattia said sitting him back down in a concerning tone

Kairi willingly sat back down and made himself more comfortable "I don't know, its just you know things"

"What things?"

"Like things, you know?"

"Its okay if you don't want to tell me but like if it makes you uncomfortable please do"

Kairi nodded, looking off probably day dreaming about how nice it would be to open that door and escape this awkward situation without seeming rude.



"I love you like a brother dude, I honestly really don't like how you keep doing this"

Still silent.

"Just shutting yourself off whenever you don't want to address something"

Guess what? More silence.

"Just talk to me."

Kairi turned over to Mattia and looked at him, his eyes looked watery and if Mattia wanted to reach over and hug him more than anything but he still had no idea what pressuring Kairi was talking about and didn't want to risk another weeks silent treatment.

Kairi moved himself closer but Mattia still didn't want to do anything that could possibly make him uncomfortable. So they just sat there and looked at each other. Until Kairi started to lean in.

wait. wait. this is happening. and he's the one starting it.

The kiss was passionate and slow but only lasted about 0.5 seconds before Kairi forcefully pushed Mattia back.




Mattia just sat there trying to process the words that came out of the mouth of the boy that just kissed him, the boy that he loved.

"Kai, you don't mean that"

"I meant what I said faggot"

tears. from both parties.

Kairi rushed towards the door, pushing it open rather aggressively causing eavesdropping Alejandro to fall backwards. Kairi ignored it and stormed off towards the front door. Alejandro, knowing what just happened quickly got up and headed towards a hysterically crying Mattia. You know the type where you're trying to keep up with you're breath constantly.

"What did I do wrong Ale?"



love you guysss. anywaysss feedback is encouraged and appreciated. yk let me know what you thought, and thank you for 2k reads on this thing. <3

&quot;perfection&quot;- a kairi and mattia storyWhere stories live. Discover now