Her voice shook when she answered, "...Yes. He did."

She went quiet, and Leon felt his stomach tighten while his gaze fell. She was clamping up. It wasn't his place to ask in the first place, though. He wasn't privy to it, as much as he wanted to share her burden. She was already doing so much for him, and he cared for her. He knew he did—probably more than he should have, yet he couldn't stop the feeling. It made him hate seeing her like this all the more; enduring all the pain, putting the heavy burden on her shoulders. He just wanted to help her carry it.

He opened his mouth to speak but was interrupted by her stomach. She chuckled, cheeks a little pink, and he couldn't help laughing, too.

"Hang on, I'll get you some food. Sonia cooked breakfast before she headed out so there's still some left," he forced himself to beam and left her alone once more. She used both hands to tend to her Pokémon, whom snuggled as close as they could. They shifted again a few minutes later to let her sit up when Leon came back—he had to help her as she tweaked her side a bit—and munched on the eggs and sausage he'd warmed up. He let her know her Pokémon were all cared for, and that Tyranitar and Lapras waited outside with Charizard to see her when she was able. She only nodded, and he sat there with her, letting her eat, mind wandering all the while.

Eventually, his curiosity and desire became too much again, and he spoke as she nearly finished.

"What happened with your friend, 'Cas? How did he die?" he inquired softly, almost a whisper. She had started to poke a last bit of sausage, but let her fork rest back on the plate, looking first to him, and then to her food.

"It's... don't worry about it—"

He reached over to cover her hand with his, "'Cas... please, let me help you, even if it's just to vent. I want to help you as much as you have for me. I want to know why you would go so far for someone like me, and he's part of it. Please, even if it's only because I'm your friend. I want to understand so I can help."

"...You mean you want to know why I'm a lot like you?" she chuckled, to which he spared a half-smile. He let her sigh and go quiet for a moment. Her eyes closed, an unease in her features. Her Pokémon made concerned sounds, but she stroked their heads gently to reassure them. She sighed again, and looked him right in the eyes, "My friend... was called N, and I couldn't save him."

Cassandra paused to take in a difficult breath. She should have stopped. She should have let it be with that, but Leon had broken through all the barriers she'd put up. She'd kept her family out with them, and her friends and Pokémon, too. They'd all kept their distance, wanting to respect her apparent need to be alone. So she'd put up her walls, pushed everyone away to not have to face it all. Yet, here was Leon, taking hold and ripping them apart like they were nothing. She wanted to fight it, but she knew, deep down, she wanted this. She wanted someone to push, to know the pain, and to listen. Even back then, she'd wanted her friends and family to do the same, but she'd been selfish and cowardly. The dam had been broken now, though, and there was no stopping the flood. She couldn't run away anymore. So she surrendered.

"It was because of Ghetis. And Team Plasma. He was... Technically, he was their King—their ruler," she began, and chuckled at his shocked look. "He thought he was, anyways. He was a good person, though. Y'see, we... we met not long after I started my journey there—in Unova, thanks to his Pokémon who happened to be the brother of mine. Crazy, huh? But, he, ah... he... he saw me in a battle and he started talking to me about it. He was actually criticizing me some, but it... It was so strange. I didn't get mad. He wasn't being like a dick or arrogant. He just... he didn't like seeing them hurt in fights. He loved Pokémon, you see. But not like you or me. He really, honestly, and unconditionally loved them. All of them. Pokémon were everything to him, and he treated them as equals. His only goal in life was to make a world where Pokémon could live free of fear and danger—free from people. A world without them. Without us. He... he didn't think we could co-exist anymore."

Champion's Sword, Galar's Shield (Leon x OC)Where stories live. Discover now