"I understand. One Pokémon house call coming right up. We'll be there in just a moment. Please stand by and provide what First Aid you can until we arrive. Just hold on."

She hung up just as the young man got to work, "Joy is coming. Here, I'll help."

"Thank-you, Sonia. Thank-you," he breathed, trying hard to do what he can, but she could see his hands were shaking. His eyes wavered in a way she hadn't seen before, too. She touched his arm, pulling his gaze to her.

"Go sit down, 'Lee. I'll do this. And go... go get something to eat and rest."

"I... Okay. She... her Pokémon and Charizard—they need food, too. He's on the way. I told him to walk to be careful, but I have her Pokémon here and—"

"—I have plenty, get them taken care of," she motioned to her kitchen area and got to work. She spoke again a moment later, though, "Leon?"

"Yeah?" he asked as he urged Arcanine to rise, but the Pokémon refused.

"When... when she's alright... please tell me what's going on?"

"I... I will."

"And..." she added, and the silence was deafening, "Leon... Hop is..."

Sonia didn't need to finish for him to know his greatest fear was true.

His shoulders deflated, and despair trickled in, "They took him. I know. Gloria, too."

Her friend turned away then, heading to her kitchen, and she couldn't recall a time her chest tightened so much. Even so, she kept her hand steady to help the woman dying on her table.


Nurse Joy arrived with a Indeedee just as Leon had begun to dish out food to Cassandra's fretting Pokémon—and also Chaizard, who had finally lumbered. Her team paused to watch, rumbling uncertainly, but he reassured them it would be fine, even if he wasn't sure himself. He followed the nurse, of course, and it was a good thing he did; Arcanine refused to move despite everyone's urging, so it was up to him to get the fire-type away. It wasn't easy—the Pokémon's love had been forged over many years, and both Arcanine and Growlithe were renowned for being the most fiercely loyal Pokémon out there. It took a firm promise from Leon that Cassandra was in good hands—and that the fire-type needed to eat. An empty stomach was hard to ignore, although the purple-haired man was sure this Arcanine would endure the pain if it meant protecting his trainer. This time, though, he relented, but kept as close as was allowed while he ate, gaze never wavering.

Leon made his own attempt to help, but Sonia urged him to stay back. He wouldn't be of much use as he was, if only for his mental state, and told him once again to go eat. He relented, too tired to argue, and resigned himself to the small dinner table in the back of the lab, unable to watch as vigilantly as Arcanine. Seeing Cassandra hurt and all the blood was too much to bare, so he forced himself to eat what little curry he could stand despite feeling starved. He was exhausted, too, even after sleeping however long in the cave. He also still felt cold. He wouldn't be surprised if he was frost bitten some, but it mattered little compared to the danger Cassandra was in. His stomach clenched so tightly at the memory of her in the water and the cave and on the table he thought he might vomit. If only he had been stronger then maybe she would be laughing and smiling like before. If he had just been better, then she wouldn't be dying. She would be okay—and his brother and Gloria might have been okay, too. 

Arceus, help him, Hop. Gloria. 

They really were taken. It hadn't been an empty threat. So now he had to face that reality—that failure. He had been able to put it off before, but now that he was alone, Cassandra's life in other hands, and able to think, he could no longer deny it. Hop, his precious little brother who had finally grown into a fine young man after starting his journey with his endorsement. And Gloria, too, the one he'd help make into a Champion and still taught her to this day. Both his responsibility. Both taken by the same man who had hurt both himself and the redhead. 

Champion's Sword, Galar's Shield (Leon x OC)Where stories live. Discover now