Chapter 46: Delivery! Pizza Time!

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As I looked at Rahstecks body in a pile on the floor at my feet I sighed. I had to somehow get this to the Emperor and prove he was dead. Or...did I?

I ran back and slung open the metal door facing all three of the guys, them cheering at our victory seeing me alive. "Kai. I need you in here now." I said pointing at him and the room. "You two....stay back and watch guard. This is gonna get pretty gross and we need to make sure no one else comes here anyways." Beckett and Zeke nodded understanding and I smiled shutting the door with Kai inside.

We walked over to the body and he looked at me expectantly. "Okay. I need you to sever his head. My gauntlet blade is pretty much screwed up and I cant use any of my powers right now." He looked at me for a second taking it in and then nodded.

"Got it." He said casually.

I sat back and watched as Kai used Rahstecks own blood as a sword and raised his body up. While it was standing Kai used the sword and in one fell swoop, sliced his head clean off.

I ran back to the door and asked for Zeke to bring me one of the dead guards which he did with no problem. I took the dead guards suit and wrapped Rahstecks head in it, then threw him, and the naked guards bodies, out of the back window, hearing them hit the ground with a splat followed by a woman screaming.

I looked back, nodded, and then walked towards the door with Kai following behind.
"Oh. I should probably check on Memphis huh?" I questioned out loud.
Kai looked at me and nodded over exaggerating but obviously agreeing with me.

I clicked on the communicator to hear her voice. "Hey. How did everything go?" She asked me.

"It went fine. Rahsteck is dead, I'm carrying his head in a suit and taking it to the Emperor. We should soon have whatever we want to get off of here." I responded, the happiness clear in my voice.

"Alright. We're currently in town buying some things. No ones given us any trouble so just meet us back at the hotel when you're done. Love you, Bye." She said as she hung up.

I shrugged my shoulders and carried the head with me into the elevator as we rode down. The doors opened and the receptionist who I had knocked out was awake and in a state of fear and shock, seeing as how we murdered the whole hotel.

As we walked out she screamed and went to run out the door but Beckett made an ice block and threw it at her head knocking her out once again, causing her to fall short in front of the door. I looked over at him and laughed a bit. "You are a cold hearted bastard you know that?" I said laughing as we walked past.

As soon as we got out, we made our way out and back to the small house that led underground to the fight ring and stopped short at the door that led in. I turned and looked at Beckett. "Are you sure can go in? Like, can you handle this?" I asked him quietly.

He nodded and told me that he would be okay and I nodded in return before the vampire at the door let us In. The first thing we heard was roaring and yelling, followed by the clanging of armor and weapons. I heard the Emperors booming voice echo and I smiled, waiting to see the look on his face.

I walked into his office and sent one of the vampires to get him and I stood by one of the chairs in front of his desk, while Kai sat down in the other. I heard the clanging of his heavy armor and his heavy breathing as he entered the room and sat down on his throne in front of us. His throne, I noticed, was just like the one outside overlooking the Pit of Rot. Pretty much all bones covered in black paint.

"Well. Glad to see you're still alive. I was beginning to wonder about you boys. I...presume you have something for me?" He said in a questioning tone, gesturing towards the suit.

"Yea. A delivery. This." I nodded, picking up the suit and exposing Rahstecks very dead, severed head. I planted it on his desk, dry blood flying everywhere.

He looked at it in hate and disgust for a while. The air hung thin and was so tense you could cut it with a knife before finally his face of disgust slowly morphed into a wicked grin of victory and a smile of glee. He began to laugh and his laughing filled the room, causing both me and Kai, to smile.

He sat forward and ordered the vampire to give us both drinks, which we gladly accepted. "Well boys...." he said, letting it hang in the air for a second. "What do you want? And what, do you need?" He asked finally, reliving both Kai and I, causing us to smile.

I sat down and relaxed next to Kai and looked at The Emperor, directly in his eyes, underneath the black tiger skull. "Well. First thing we need, is weapons, or rather, access to all of your weapons so we can hear up. You'll still have plenty." I said.

"Done." He stated nodding.

"Also. We're gonna need food and rations of course, seeing as how we plan on getting off of here. And finally, we want your hospitality any time we come back." I spoke, finishing my requests.

He nodded for a second, taking it all in and smiling. "You've got it. You ended a terrible drug trade killing my people. And, you are the champions of Monster Death Night, after all. You have all your requests and wishes granted. Talk to Diecl. He'll show you where the weapons room and everything else you need is." He said.

"Thank you, Emperor, for everything." I said, walking away.

"Oh and Rhent?" He called out to me.

"Yea?" I responded, pausing my walk midway, turning around to face him.

"Tell Beckett I said Hi." He said, taking off his skull, as I turned and walked out of his room.

Never Get Out Alive Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora