I was used to staying here by myself. Amor would spend the night as Chris's a lot, so her moving in with would be nothing new. I'm happy for her. I haven't been an relationship since Micah, I mean yea I dated a few guys but that was about it, nothing ever got serious. I finished packing my suitcase and decided that I should take it in early since I had to be awake at 4 just to be on time to the Airport.

The next morning, I woke up to Micah calling me saying he was outside. Damn. I thought as I quickly jumped up and began to get dressed. Luckily, I had packed all of my clothes and things the night before. After about 35 minutes and 10 missed calls I was finally ready to head to the airport.

"Morning" I mumbled as I walked towards Micah with my luggage. He put it in the truck of his car as I got into the passenger seat. Micah finished putting my bags in the truck and then got into the driver's seat.

"You didn't see me calling you" he asked.

"You didn't hear me just say good morning" I said starring back at him. He already knows I'm not a morning person, so why try to start with me. He looked at me for a minute longer and drove off towards the airport.

Once we got there, he dropped me off at the front of the airport with all of the bags. I stood there waiting for him while he went to park his park. Maybe 10 minutes later he came walking towards the front of the airport. We grabbed the bags and continued into the airport. We went through all the customs. Before I knew it we were already in L.A.

This was my first time in L.A so I was honestly in awe. Upon arriving Nicky along with Micah's assistant meet us. They flew down a day early to make sure all the preparations were made upon Micah's arrival.

"Good morning Miss. Jordan, here is your tea and the car is right his way" Nicky said walking up to me. I grabbed the tea out her hand and told her thanks. I was still getting used to having my very own assistant. Once all four of us were in the car we drove the hotel.

"Shane, I'll get my bags, you can get Miss. Jordan's" Micah said as we got out of the car. Shane got my bags and we all walked into the hotel. Check in didn't take long.

Once Micah and I checked in, we went up to the room. It was beautiful, the décor screamed expensive. There was an overpriced mini bar along with a flat screen tv on the wall. There was a full kitchen area and a living room area. The suite had two bedrooms and two bathrooms. Micah had the master bedroom and I had the guest bedroom, which was fine with me.

It was only seven in the morning, but Micah's first event started at 10 and 9 if you wanted to eat breakfast. Upon settling into the room, Micah laid out his clothes and stuff. I went into my room and did the same. I unfortunately had the honor of accompanying my client around for the whole day at s sporting conference. YAY. I went over the itinerary for the day, before I decided to get ready. I put on a tan pencil skirt with a white blouse and a tan blazer. Walking out of my room I could see Micah dressed in a tan suit. I sighed. Can I not match this dude for once? I was about to go change but he saw me.

"Look at you trying to match my fly" he said smirking. I just looked at him. All day long he has been trying to talk to me and make conversation and I honestly just wasn't feeling it or him. I know we supposed to me moving forward but this whole "I want you" thing has not been sitting right with my spirit. Like is it even natural for someone to still "want "a person they haven't been with in three years. Like sir why haven't you moved on? "You good? You been quiet all day" he asked. He looked concern.

"Tired" was all I said. He looked like he wanted to respond but there was knock in the door.

"Guess it's time to head out" he said. He led the way and I followed behind him. We walked out of the hotel and took the elevator downstairs to where the sports conference was held. I took the paper out of my folder. It was Micah's speech that I had to revise. He was one of the key note speakers.

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