Chapter 9

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Delondon's P.O.V

Graduation was less than a week away and Amor and I was planning our joint graduation party. Both of our families would be in attendance as well as some our friends from school and from other places. We were currently sitting at our bar writing out last minute things that we needed.

"Oh Keeb said with good go ahead and have it at it's house" Amor said as she got up out her sit. She grabbed her empty water bottle and threw in the trash before reaching into the fridge and getting another one.

"That won't be necessary, I already talked to Karen and she said we could have it at the club house, we can also be out there as long as we want" I said back, while never taking my eyes off of my laptop. Amor walked in back to the bar. Karen was the manager of our apartment complex.

"Ok, what's going on between y'all two? You just said the other day before we went to his party that you wanted to see if we could have it at his place" she said still standing up.

"Yea that was before, Karen said it was ok to use the club house." I stated back.

"Mhm" she said squinted her eyes at me. "He also, asked me if anything was wrong with her phone because he's been trying to call you". I sighed and shut my laptop.

"At his party, when I asked him about all that shit that happened freshman year, I also asked him why him and Micah wasn't friends and he said it's because he likes me" I said turning to look at her.

"Ouu and what did you say back?" she aske finally sitting back down.

"I basically told him I didn't feel the same way" I said before stealing Amor's water and taking a sip of it. She mugged me before snatching it back.

"So, what if Jada didn't drug Micah and he still slept with her, do you think you would feel the same way then" she asked. I looked at her. What type of question was that?

"Even if Micah wasn't in the picture, I still wouldn't like Keeb, so even if I had not found out the truth I still would not like him" I said back.

"So, Micah's in the picture?" she asked with a smirk. I rolled my eyes.

"You know what I mean" I said. She shook her head no.

"Actually I don't" she said making a face. I mugged her.

"I don't like Keeb like that. He's a good friend, I mean yea we kissed once but it really didn't count. I had just found out about that shit, I was still grieving, I was drunk and also very vulnerable and most importantly I wanted to hurt Micah, he had hurt me. I don't feel that way anymore. Even if I did like Keeb I wouldn't date him because I don't want to do that to Micah" I said back.

"Wait when did you and Keeb kiss?" she asked. After all I just said that's all she heard.

"Girl I already told you about it, remember the same night I found out of Jada and Micah." I said.

"Oh yea, you did come in that morning and tell me about it. Sorry my 22 year old brain don't work like it used to." She said. We both laugh. "But even with Micah being out the picture, you don't like Keeb?" she asked.

"No I don't and let's not act like his track record with women is the best either" I said. Keeb track record lowkey was worse than Micah's. He always had girls showing up to his place fighting over them. Let's not forget when Kia tried to off herself because he was still fucking with Jada. Also, he can act like he didn't but he really wanted to be with Jada and after he found out what she did he hated her and basically was out here treating bitches like they wasn't shit. Even with all that, that's not the reason. He just really isn't my type.

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