Chapter Seven

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Sorry for the late update! But I've been pre-writing some chapters that are coming later (some big ones) and I am super excited for when they finally happen! There's a good chance you guys are going to hate me though...

Also, I've got a better excuse... i'Ve BeEn SiCk! ! ! ! I'm dyyyyyying!

Crowd: Drama queen.

Me: No really, I'm dying!

Crowd: Oh, really? YAY!

Me: *Sigh*

But fear not, dear readers! I would never die without finishing the story first!

Crowd: Darn.


*Cringe* This chapter sucks. Don't read it. Seriously.

You're determined, aren't you?

Fine. Go ahead.

I warned you.

Sophie stared at Glimmer for a few seconds in silence. All her friends did the same. The first person to speak was Blur (AKA Jaxx, and possibly also Mist), who obviously denied the accusation.

"What would make you think that?" Jaxx said in a perfectly normal voice. If he was lying, he was pretty good at it. "I don't even know who Mist is. Definitely not me."

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