Chapter Two

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     "This tour is coming to an end, but I want to show you your designated load-out station," Harry spoke proudly. You could just tell how Harry felt about the Rainbow facility as a whole just by the little bump in his step. The facility was magnificent and full of things for everyone to do. From the outside, it just looked like a big metal building, but on the inside, it was filled with something for everyone.

     "This is your designated locker!" Harry stopped in his tracks, hitting a metal cage on its railing. Helena's eyes grew wide at the sight of it. She was just expecting one of those small rectangular lockers from high school that you could never fit anything in just right. "Now, I know it looks empty right now, but I'm sure you can fill it up in no time," The heart of the man felt full as he seemed to pull out the old, happy Helena. From their many therapy sessions, he took note of the frown she always wore. It caused the girl to slump down in the chair she would sit in and overall, she looked less confident in her ability to do anything. Today was different and Harry could see by her straight posture and the new sparkle in her eye. That was the Helena he hoped to see more of.

"Thanks, Harry... I appreciate everything you've done for me so far."

"I would never let one of my operators down. You're all family to me... Speaking of family! Here at Rainbow, trust is important. You'll all be working on the field together, so not only will you need some type of chemistry with the other's, you need to have trust in one another. Our recruits have a mandatory trust exercise with Specialist Rook. It'll take place at the shooting range at three... I have full belief that you'll be there on time, Miss Ansgar."

     Life-line was used to the trust exercises. She recalled the many years of going through scenarios with new recruits. Helena was usually seen as a leader by everyone in the ONI. She was even named second in command by her commander. He trusted her and she trusted him. Trust was a foreign subject to the girl at one point in her life. Helena and her younger brother, Vincent, use to fend for themselves when they were younger. Their mother was murdered in cold blood by a White Mask. Vincent was fifteen at the time and Helena was only seventeen. Hearing that news was heartbreaking, but the Ansgar sister had to be strong for her brother because after their mother passed away, their father started to disappear until he finally just went missing. Well, missing for Vincent... For Helena, she knew exactly where he was and what he was doing.

     The only thing Helena Ansgar needed to worry about now was her training to continue her journey into Rainbow.


After a few hours of Helena learning her way around the facilities, she made her way to the shooting range. It wasn't any different from the one at the ONI facilities. Pitch dark with luminous lights shining in certain areas. The room was empty apart from the one person who hadn't even notice Helena and Klas' arrival.

     It wasn't long until a bark from Klas echoed through the shooting range, alarming the other person who was only about ten feet away. Helena figured this was the infamous Rook she was told about and decided to close in the distance between them. Once coming face to face, Helena kept a straight posture to show a certain police formality. Shoving her hand forward, the man in front of the blonde woman quickly took it with a smile.

     "Julien Nizan. Everyone knows me as Rook and you must be Helena Ansgar— the new recruit," Rook spoke with a cheerful tone. It wasn't something Helena truly used to, but she liked this man's spirit. The dark, dreary shooting range began to light up a bit more with his presence. "And who might this baby be?" Helena let out a slight laugh as she watched Julien playing with the young german shepherd. His once smooth and modulated voice became high-pitched and full of pure energy as he rubbed the belly of Klas. It was surprising seeing just how quickly Klas warmed up to the new person. Ever since Helena's abduction, Klas had always kept an eye on people. He'd often make other's think he would attack them if they got any closer to his partner, so Helena always had to make sure that didn't happen. With one word, Klas would calm down, but Helena did not need to say it now as he laid on his back, wriggling as Julien playfully scratched his stomach.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 18, 2020 ⏰

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